Chapter 57

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While I was lost in thought, Tien, who came close to me, looked at an article in the newspaper and spoke with a gloomy face.

“It seems that a lot of bad things have been happening lately. The Crown Prince deserves what he gets. But the Lady stay still and still get involved…I really don’t know how many people are going to suffer because of that one woman.”

Tien looked sincerely disappointed. It was a natural reaction, since the maids didn’t like Claire either.

The only ones who benefited were the second Prince who kept quiet.

“Who cares?”

“Is the Lady not worried? If the Crown Prince loses his throne because of this…”

I couldn’t listen anymore, so I put down the newspaper I was holding in my hand and warned Tien.

“Tien, stop right there. All anger comes out of your mouth. If anyone hears you just now, nothing good will happen, so you’d better be careful from now on.”

“Yes. I’ll be careful in the future…….”

Tien replied with a dejected look on her face.

However, Tien’s concern was natural from her point of view.

Her future as the Empress’s maid was right under her nose, but if things get complicated and the second Prince takes over the throne, many problems will arise.

The maids were on the same boat as me.

If my status increase, they would rise with me, and vice versa.

I covered the newspaper with a nonchalant face and took a bite of the peach tart.

A pleasant sweet taste filled my mouth. At that moment, the quiet first floor suddenly became noisy.

Before I could order Annie to go and find out what it was about, the excited-looking Joan opened the door and jumped in.

“Miss, His Excellency has returned.”

I jumped up in surprise. As a result, the table shook and the teacup on it fell over.The tea spilled onto my lap. The maids came running in surprise at the sight of my messed up dress.

“Miss, are you alright? Did you burn yourself?”

Annie asked with a worried look on her face as she used a dry towel to wipe the tea stains on my skirt.

I asked with a puzzled look on my face.

“…my father is back?”

Joan nodded without taking her eyes off my skirt.

“Yes, but are you okay?”

“There’s still some time left before he come back, right? But, why already?

I asked in a panic.


A puzzled look came over Joan’s face at my question.

I walked to the window and looked down. There was a group of knights there.

The person at the front of the group was riding a white horse with shiny hair. The horse was walking slowly with its head arrogantly raised, and the person on the horse wore a stiff uniform.

I could tell at a glance that he was a soldier, as a rough and intimidating atmosphere emitted from his body.

Under the intense sunlight, his light golden hair was pale. It was Duke Lillian, Roxana’s biological father.

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