Chapter 43

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Roxana and Elvin had been friends since they were very young.

So, this was the first time Elvin and I had officially met and talked. In the first meeting, they were just together when I fell from the terrace, and in the second meeting, we just met in the garden and passed without a greeting. Finally, in the third meeting, Elvin was hiding his identity, so there was no friendship between us in the eyes of others.

But despite that, Elvin's attitude toward me now was quite friendly. Unlike me, who was worried about how to treat him, he was very open-minded.

"Elvin Croix. What the hell is this? Can't you see me in your eyes?" (CP)

While I was choosing an appropriate greeting, the Crown Prince asked sharply. At the voice full of displeasure, Elvin turned his head to the side as if he had recognized the Crown Prince's existence just then.

"Your Highness, long time no see."

Looking at it now, Elvin's face looked really arrogant.

Elvin also has royal blood, so it may seem natural to him, but he had an arrogant atmosphere unique to the imperial family. Unlike his slightly raised lips, his eyes seemed to be looking down at everyone because of his cold eyes and tall height. He was both overwhelming and terribly beautiful, but he didn't seem to impress the Crown Prince.

"What are you doing to my fiancée?"

"I was just saying hello. I don't know why Your Highness is so agitated?"

Was he mad at Elvin's attitude that seemed to ignore him? The Crown Prince contorted his face.

And, on the contrary, Elvin maintained his cold face from start to finish.

'Aren't these two cousins? I don't think I've ever heard of a bad relationship.'

I was puzzled.

I didn't know why, but looking at it now, it seemed that the Crown Prince and Elvin had a worse relationship than anyone else. I couldn't understand the Crown Prince, who was easily aroused as usual, and the attitude of Elvin, as if he was deliberately trying to pick a fight.

I sighed. Neither of us was a child, so we wouldn't have fist fights over these things, but more and more people's attention was focused on us. People looked at us with interesting or anxious eyes.

Annie also had an anxious face.

The shop owner, who was restless with a pale, tired face from a distance, was also concerned.

As if worried that his own store might be in trouble, he looked like he was about to cry when our eyes met.

He looked at me as if asking for help.

It was the first time that a large, middle-aged man had looked so pitiful. Although I didn't know what had happened between Elvin and the Crown Prince, I couldn't stand by and watched as things got bigger.

I put my hand on the Crown Prince's arm and squeezed it slightly.

"Your Majesty, there are many eyes watching. So please stop here."

I spoke in a low voice that only the Crown Prince could hear. The Crown Prince was very concerned about his face and reputation, so he would understand if I said this much.

"... ."

Fortunately, the Crown Prince closed his lips and said nothing more.

However, his gaze, glaring at Elvin, added to his ferociousness.

As I stood next to the Crown Prince, I had the illusion of hearing the sound of his teeth grinding.

Of course, Elvin didn't seem to care at all.

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