Chapter One.

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Throne of the Seraph
oneonce upon a time

ASTERIA EMERSON has no primary definition.

Unlike the mundane things present in life's day-to-day basis which held meaning in them that could be understood by even the simplest of the minds, she was an enigmatic child born from the cosmos' breath which could not be described in the plain language of humanity.

Adorned by the sweet smell of fresh strawberries harvested from the finest lines, a wicked smile that seemed to tell the world that she knows everything, and the purity of a white pearl; a child of the universe.

And its child seek answers for everything unknown. An eccentric energy that spreads like wild fire wanting to devour all knowledge present and undiscovered. Her mind was brilliant. Curiousity has become a part of her like the millions of vessels that made her function. Curious about the dangerous trait that magic possesses and the species that roam the same oil she walks on. She was full of spirit with ideas that went beyond the ordinary.

But to some whose envy couldn't be contained and came from the dark rooted place of jealousy, she could be describe as a peculiar girl. In a small village called Hage in the Forsaken Realm of the Kingdom of Clover, her physique and features were uncommon around their part.

She had unusual white hair, soft facial features and golden eyes. Slightly sharp ears that would twitch every now and then. Her almost white skin didn't suit well in the small village where farming was the most basic job for everyone.

Asteria was different, so she became scary to those who only knew her for her looks.

It was early in the morning when the young girl was standing on top of a wooden chair and looking out of their window, slightly bobbing her head as she hummed a song. Fresh air from the forest went straight in, cooling her off.

Their house was located near the forest and the giant skull — which was the skull of the demon that the first Wizard King fought against — for the reason that their family was just as unusual for the villagers.

Her parents, Esmeray and Orion Emerson, were believed to be too young to be her parents. Not to mention that they suddenly moved to Hage without telling anyone where they came from. Although the couple were kind to everyone, it couldn't be helped that they became the topic of the village for some time.

Hence, wishing to stay away from all sort of rumors that were spreading around, they moved out of the house near the town office and built a simple double story house near the forest.

"Mommy, can I go to the tree over there?" she pointed at the tall tree with vast trunks in the distance. It was alone on top of a small hill. "I promise I'll come back before lunch!"

She jumped off the chair and ran towards her mother that was sitting on the couch. A young woman was neatly stitching a torn part of Asteria's angel wings, created from feathers and wood by her husband.

The woman looked like she was in her early twenties. She had fair, porcelain skin, bright golden eyes, and rose-gold colored hair that was tied in a neat bun. She had a casual elegance surrounding and radiating off from her, it was hard not to stare in awe.

"Lunch is in ten minutes dear, you can go out later." Esmeray told her, giving her a light kiss on the cheek, causing for the little girl to close her right eye slightly.

THRONE OF THE SERAPH ; g.yunoWhere stories live. Discover now