Chapter Four.

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Throne of the Seraph
four asta, asteria, and yuno

MARCH, when the firefly dandelion fluff starts to dance through the air. Once a year, all over the Clover Kingdom, teenagers aged fifteen are gathered for an awarding ceremony where they receive their own grimoire that could enhance their magical ability.

Asta, Asteria, and Yuno headed to the Grimoire Tower along with their families. Esmeray carried Hollo in her arms as she happily chatted away with Sister Lily while Orion talked about his adventures with Recca and Nash. Father Orsi held on Aruru's hand as he looked at the three teenagers standing beside each other in the crowd.

Asteria was wearing a white flowy dress that ended just under her knees. Her grimoire pouch in icy blue color that Esmeray made was tied around her waist securely. Her hair was brushed neatly and there were flower ornaments clipped on the strands.

"A-Are all of these grimoires? Which one is mine?" Asta let his eyes wander around the shelves of grimoires that went from ceiling to floor.

"Hmph. I guess today is the day I'll become a full-fledged mage." A blonde man joined the crowd with a prideful smirk. His brown-haired friend who followed suit had his eyes set on the three teenagers at the other side.

"Hey, look over there," he said. "Pathetic, isn't it? They shouldn't give grimoires to dregs like that."

"You said it." Blonde agreed.

"Don't tell me they're actually planning to participate in the Magic Knights' Entrance Exam, too? Only nobles with immense magical power or ties with the Royal family ever gets in. Besides, I heard that shrimp can't use magic!"

"Really? Then, we need to take care of him well! He's like a national treasure, since he's probably the only one in this kingdom without magic."

"And what's more with that pointy ears freak? She should've moved out of here a long time ago."

[Hah! Just look at those idiots] Esther spoke, he sounded like he thinks the two guys were below him. Well, he thinks everybody is below him as he is, indeed, an angel. [It's easy to tell that their pride are bigger than their talents]

"You're one to talk."

[My pride and talent are on equal footing]

Asteria rolled her eyes. Her guardian had a lot more to say but she chose to ignore it and focus on the ceremony.

"Welcome, young men and women! All of you will begin a new journey starting today. I wish you all hope, faith, and love. I am the Master of this Grimoire Tower." The Tower Master greeted them, his voice was heard by everyone because of the voice enhancer.

The carpet he was riding on floated back down and landed on the small stage. "We've never had a Wizard King from this area nor anyone who's actually achieved greatness in the Magic Knights. But I sincerely hope that one of you will be a great Wizard King someday.

"Now, it's time for the awarding . . . of the Grimoires!"

The crowd cheered once they saw a grimoire light up from the shelf, and other grimoires followed right after. They were glowing in different colors and floated in mid air for a few moments before they landed on the hands of their chosen bearers.

The Grimoires were in different sizes and thickness which caused some to feel insecure about theirs, but that was just how grimoires were. Each of them were different from one another, like how people are.

"We'll be taking the Magic Knights' Entrance Exam in six months." The blonde guy from earlier announced in a prideful voice. Now that they already got their grimoires, they felt even more powerful and wanted to boost about it.

THRONE OF THE SERAPH ; g.yunoWhere stories live. Discover now