Chapter Three.

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Throne of the Seraph
three - inseparable dreams

[A decade later, Hage Village; Forsaken Realm]

"Water Creation Magic:
Holy Fist of Love!"

"Geez, how many rejection does it have to take before you get it?" Nash shook his head in disappointment after watching his older brother get rejected by Sister Lily and reigned down by Yuno, for the nth time.

"Why are you getting in my way too, Yuno?!" Asta yelled at his foster brother who used his magic against him. Yuno didn't mind his yelling and handed Hollo to Recca. Aruru was busy playing with toys, sitting on the ground and not minding any of them.

"Why?" questioned Yuno. He put a hand on his chin as if to think of his reasons. "It's because you're loud, short, you can't stay still, and have no tolerance at all. Basically, you don't possess any qualities that appeal to women in any way."

"Hey! Is that what you say to someone that you've spent fifteen years growing up with, you handsome jerk?!" Asta's eyes followed the figure of Yuno who walked past him.

"Let me give you a hand." Yuno, on the other hand, didn't care. He offered to dry their clothes instead of Sister Lily tiring herself out by hanging them out to dry under the sun. After ten years, he was already towering over everyone. His expression was neutral and his amber eyes lacked enthusiasm unlike Asta.

"Don't ignore me, damn it!"

"Asta, Sister Lily is a woman of the cloth, so she can't get married." Yuno reminded Asta for the umpteenth time, turning around to look at his brother. "Also, you're only fifteen so you can't get married either."

"But you married Asteria when we were little!" Asta countered, quieting the tall teenager.

"T-That was . . ." Yuno faced the basket of wet clothes, a light shade of pink appeared on his cheeks. ". . only child's play."

"Ohh, why are you blushing?" Asta cooed. "Does it bring back your memories? You were so swee —"

"Shut up, Asta." Yuno used a gust of wind to throw him away.

"Come on kids, are you fighting again?" Orion watched as Asta stumbled on the ground just in front of the door, but it didn't stop him from trying to challenge his brother again.

"He started it!" said Asta.

"I did not," replied Yuno. He lowered his hands and the dried clothes fell in the basket.

"These kids . . ." Orion could only sigh. He had lost count of how many times he saw Asta and Yuno fighting over petty things for the past decade.

"Lunch is ready. Asta, go help your Aunt Esme prepare inside."  He said, instead of digging further into the situation. "Yuno, can you pick up Asteria? She's probably training again."


Hage Village remained the same. It was still small with nothing much to see — except the big skull — and do. The lives of its residents went on like usual, spending time with family and friends, and working on the field.

Everyone that lived in it changed along with the course of time. Some people left the village to see bigger things, some stayed and continued with their happy countryside life. Tears were shed at the death of an old neighbor and the growth of the children were celebrated.

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