22. Meeting your Ancestor?

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(Katekyoshi Hitman Reborn and Harry Potter does not belong to me.
The picture above is from the manga. Adult Kyoya looks really good.

Giotto was surprised when he found himself outside the ring and wary when he saw the unknown Sky. Harry, he had introduced himself and his Arcobaleno elements. He had no idea a non Arcobaleno could become an Arcobaleno Sky, he supposed times changed since he went to sleep. Harry was wary of him too and kept him at a distance. Giotto looked up as a young boy who looked like a Japanese version of himself joined them. He looked at him curiously before turning to Harry and talking to him. Giotto looked at the young teen and the brunette looked at him before turning away when the teens Guardians came.

Giotto sweat dropped, 'That's a lot of Guardians.'

Harry, "Well done kiddos. You passed."

Reborn nodded, "We have a new guest here."

The group turned towards him in unison and looked at him curiously before turning towards Tsuna. Tsuna shrugged and introduced them to the ghost in front of them. They looked at the ghost with curiosity while Mukuro's eyes glinted with interest. Giotto sweat dropped on seeing the glint but didn't comment on it.

Tsuna addressed him, "What is it you need, old man?"

Giotto coughed, "Well... "

Giotto looked behind him and five ghosts came out, "As you can see, one of my Elements is missing and I'm a little worried."

Alaude muttered, "Stupid melon. Always creating trouble."

Kyoya snorted, "Hn."

Giotto, "I was hoping you could help us find him."

Harry hummed, 'The mist is missing.'

Tsuna, "Who is your Mist?"

Asari, "Ah ha ha ha ha ha, smart one, aren't you?"

Everyone sweat dropped at the laugh, 'He sounds just like Takeshi.'

Lambo muttered, "It's like looking at an older twin."

G grunted, "Mini me."

Hayato, "Pink hair."

G growled, "It's magenta, magenta! It's not pink, Storms can never be pink, our flame is red."

Haru giggled, "Hahi. They are funny."

Knuckle chuckled, "It's good to see you kids are very lively."

Ryohei, "Thanks to the extreme."

Hana looked between them, "I wonder, if you will look like this as an adult."

Ryohei eyed the ghost slash entity in front of him, "Probably similar but not exactly. We are from different countries to begin with."

Giotto chuckled, "I agree, Tsunayoshi is definitely cuter than I was as a kid."

Alaude snorted, "You shot up like a bamboo as a teen. You used to be shortest among us, now you are the tallest."

Kyoya looked between the two, "You are together."

Giotto looked at them with a sad smile, "Yes, we were not in the beginning, but after leaving the mafia, we got together. It didn't help our wives were killed during the cold mafia war, leaving our kids behind."

Alaude, "We supported and understood each other."

Lampo looked at them sadly, "It was different back then, as leaders we could not marry a certain class, who we truly love, act certain way, etc."

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