1. Premonitions and Dreams

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(Hello everyone!
Harry Potter is not mine and Katekyoshi Hitman Reborn is definitely not mine. I can't translate the name but the artist left their 🆔 at the end last corner.
Credit for the art goes to them.
A big thanks to Sherlovian176 for providing me with ideas for the name.
\(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥

Harry woke up from his dream, it was a strange one again. He saw a bloody throne with Tsuna sitting on it, he feared for his kid. Padfoot had sensed him waking up and looked at him, Harry pat the large dog. He had grown old now yet, he didn't look his age, Reborn had explained it was because of Flame bond. Flame bonded animal partners live as long as their bonded human lived. Harry had not realized but his shoulders had slumped in relief at that small info, he had been dreading the day he would have to say goodbye to Padfoot. He went to the kitchen and saw the time, it was 04:00 o'clock in the morning.

Harry hummed, 'Been months and yet.... Nothing on the curse. We don't even know who has the third part. I could ask Death.. '

Death, "Do you wish to know?"

Harry turned around startled, "Death, you surprised me."

Death mused in amusement, "Apologies dear one, I felt your turmoil."

Harry shook his head smiling, "Don't apologize, it's my fault for spacing out. I offered to ask you to the others but they declined. They want to figure this out on their own. I think we should do it on our own as well. This is a problem of the living."

Death rumbled amused, "Very well child, as you wish. If you need me however, all you need to do is just ask."

Harry smiled, "Forget about this, would you like coffee? Or water? Or chocolate?"

Death rumbled, "Anything you make child, I don't exactly have a preference."

Harry sat next to Death leaning against them, "I'm happy, I met you."

Death, "So am I dear child, so am I."

Harry, "Have I thanked you for bringing me here?"

Death ran his skeletal fingers through Harry's hair, "Many times now little one. You don't need to however."

Harry drank his coffee as Padfoot sat beside Harry opposite of Death. The large hound had become used to Death's presence although he still looked at the being suspiciously. Death simply watched the canine in amusement from where they sat, with their child leaning against them. They wondered when Harry had changed from Master to Child, but they didn't mind, it made them feel content. He would from time to time watch over Harry's original world keeping an eye on the children. They were learning from their mistakes and starting to move on with time as they should have from the beginning. 

Nothing is permanent, everything changes, as Time always tells them. Harry fell asleep after a while and Death picked him up and made him comfortable on the couch. Padfoot snuggled close to Harry as Death left the two to carry on his other worldly duties. Despite the lack of magic this world was no less violent, it had their own share of deaths. Tsuna woke up the next morning and left his room in Harry nii - san's house to go downstairs. He was surprised to see Harry already at the kitchen table making food, they usually woke up together.

Tsuna, "Good morning Harry nii - san~"

Harry turned to Tsuna, "Good morning Tsu - chan. Are your younger siblings awake yet?"

Tsuna shook his head, "Still sleeping.... Are you okay nii - san? You look tired."

Harry smiled, "I'm fine Tsu - chan, just some odd dreams."

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