32. Graduation

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(Katekyoshi Hitman Reborn and Harry Potter are not mine. The picture above is by DekD on deviant art.

Harry hummed as he prepared to visit Mukuro's school for his graduation. His kid's fathers had been very excited about the graduation and the packing. Mukuro was moving to India for six years with plans to visit during the holidays. Kyoya had no such hurry as he would be studying from the home front though he had to sort some things out along with the Disciplinary committee. His cousins were doing a good job handling Namimori middle and with Tsuna keeping an eye out, he knew it would be alright.

The Sasagawa household was another that was bustling with a lot of activity. The oldest Sasagawa was going to New York to study on his own merits, Kyoko was very proud of her brother. Their parents of course insisted he visited home during the summer and winter breaks, offering to get the tickets. Ryohei was grinning happily, the whole time, he would be able to fulfill his dreams and make his family proud.

They all went to Mukuro's graduation first and even threw a large party for him where Harry took out his most prized Fire Whiskey. The Mist tried it out of curiosity only to splutter at the strong taste and alcohol in the drink. Harry grinned saying that he was now legally an adult and allowed to drink freely. Therefore he thought he would introduce Mukuro to Fire Whiskey a family drink.

Mukuro, "Ku fu fu fu! You will have to teach me how to make this Harry - nii. I will not take a no for an answer."

Harry chuckles, "I will when you return for your summer and winter breaks."

Mukuro, "Ku fu fu fu. You have a deal, Harry."

Lancia, "It's a pity you are not considering making this commercial. It would sell well."

Harry, "Perhaps, but I'm not interested in making too many bottles. Not to forget it requires a lot of time for it to stabilize properly."

Lancia, "Would you still consider selling some to me? I will pay."

Harry, "Sorry no, but I know what the Christmas gift for the adults will be this year."

Mukuro perked up, "Will I get one bottle too?"

Harry, "I don't see why not."

Chrome pouted, "I'm not legally an adult yet."

Tsuna, "I still have a year to go."

Kyoya, "Hn. Carnivore drink."

The next graduation was for Kyoya and Ryohei and Namimori middle seems to be both sad and relieved they were finally gone. Kyoya was busy making sure his cousins knew the ins and outs of the school as well as how to deal with the paperwork. Tsuna would be there to guide them but even he would only be there for a year at the max now. Kyoya put his graduation off by a year because he wanted to be closer to the time Tsuna graduated.

They had both planned a long time ago, on heading to the same university. Harry had been supportive but insisted they choose the right university together. It took a while but at the end they had both chosen Seiso Academy a bit further from Tokyo to attend. Lili the fairy had been shocked to see elemental users but also very excited.

Lili, "Welcome to Seiso, I have not seen elemental users since Asari left Japan."

Tsuna, "You know Takeshi's ancestor?"

Lili, "Ancestor? Oh! Oh! He has a kid?"

Kyoya, "Hn."

Lili, "I would love to meet them. Asari - kun was amazing with his flute."

Tsuna, "Takeshi does not play the flute but he does play the Biwa."

Lili, "Is he good?"

Tsuna, "Very relaxing is how I would describe it."

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