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Min Si quickly ran down the stairs with her bag in her hand. She placed her bag on a chair and sat on the chair infront of her father on the dining table.

“Good Morning, Dad” she greeted her father.

“Good Morning, Sia. You have exam today, right?” Her father questioned her to which she replied with a nod.

“Do well!” her father wished smiling.

Her mother placed a sandwich on her plate. She quietly munched on the sandwich.

“I expect you to be on the 1st rank in your class this time too” her mother said while eating her toast. Min Si hesitantly nodded as she was not much confident about some subjects.

After eating she picked up her bag from the chair beside her and left the house with her mother. Her mother dropped her to school. The whole ride to school was silent as Min Si was reading her notes for the last time before exam. When they reached infront of the school her mother said while smiling, “All the best, my daughter! Do well!”

Min Si nodded her head and got out of the car and waved towards her mother as a goodbye and her mother waved back. Her mother's car drove off after Min Si entered her school.

She walked from the main gate of the school to the school building and then climbed the stairs. She had to do this everyday but still these stairs tired her. While she was on the last step she bumped into someone and twisted her ankle as she fell on the floor. Her hands prevented her shirt from touching the ground.

“Who the hell is this? ” She muttered angrily and turned her head towards the person. There stood a handsome guy just two steps below her.

“I am sorry. Are you okay?” he asked her with concern. He was handsome, soft spoken and he had manners too. These things made it hard for her to not simp over him.

She realised she has been looking at him for a few seconds. She tried to stand up but her ankle was in pain, so she couldn't stand up.

“Can you stand up?” he asked her softly.

“No. It hurts when I try to stand up.” she half cried.

He crouched down infront of her while looking at her. Looking in his enchanting eyes made her heart skip a beat.

I feel like I am in a k-drama. Is he going to pick me up? She thought, looking at him with hearts in her eyes and butterflies in her stomach.

He touched her ankle for a couple of seconds and then forwarded his hand telling her to try standing up again. Surprisingly, this time she was able to stand up without any difficulty. She felt as if she didn't even fall. She no longer felt the pain. It was like he did some magic on her.

“Wow! Surprisingly, the pain is all gone. How did this happen?” She exclaimed happily.

“You're strong” he answered her and bid his farewell, “I'll get going.” He ran away from there as if avoiding her.

She knew something was sus but when she looked at her watch, it was almost the time for the exam so she rushed to her class immediately.


The whole day she kept thinking about how was it possible that her pain was gone in seconds. It was not practically possible. She might have shrugged off the thought before but it kept bugging her the rest of the day. She tried to find the guy in the breaks but failed. She decided to search for him after classes too.

After her school hours ended she searched for him in the hallway, music room, auditorium, field and everywhere possible but didn't find him. She lost the hope of meeting him again in the same day, and was heading home when she saw him entering the convenience store infront of their school. She followed him inside the store and tapped his shoulder which startled him.

“Hey! We met in the morning, remember?” she asked him.

“Yeah” he replied shortly trying to avoid her.

“You know, the whole day I've been thinking how can the pain in my ankle just vanish?” she said trying to pique his interest so he would tell her everything himself.

He replied to her, “Maybe you just over reacted the first time.”

He was the same guy who she thought was polite and now he just told her that she was overacting.

A normal person would have shrugged the odd feeling in the first time, wouldn't even try to chase him and would never stand here after hearing his words. But her gut said something was suspicious about him, so she kept her ego aside for a while.

“Because of you my today's exam was shit. I couldn't think of any answer and was only thinking about the incident.” she said trying to sound frustrated. It was yet another attempt of her to make him spew the truth himself.

He was now frustrated and he couldn't play this game of questions and answers anymore, “I healed your injury and this is what I get in return, a blame. If you can't be thankful then don't blame me either. I only tried to help you.”

Even though she expected the answer, but still she was shocked. He ran a hand through his hair as he realised that he was tricked.

“How can you heal my injury? Are you the god of health or are you an alien?” she kept asking him questions while he picked up a packet of chips from the aisle beside them and paid for it on the cash counter while muttering curses for himself. He left the store and she followed him like a child.

She looked at him curiously and he obviously noticed it. “Let's talk somewhere else.”

He took her to a cafe. They ordered two hot chocolates and took their seats.

He bit his lip thinking how to start. “I have... I can cure injuries with a touch. I have healing powers.” he explained her.

She had a paper cut on her left index finger, so she showed the finger to him. “Can you cure this? ” she asked him. He sighed before touching her finger, which cured immediately. She was amazed by his powers.

“Promise me you won't tell this to anyone” he said.

“I'm tight lipped.... Well, can I know your name?” she asked him.

“Choi Yeonjun”

“I'm Jang Min Si” she smiled.

Their order arrived and they thanked the worker politely. “What's your age?” she asked while sipping on her hot chocolate with a straw.

“Why do you ask?” he asked raising his eyebrows which looked kinda hot, making her heart beat a little faster than usual.

You shouldn't beat this fast for a stranger. She tried to put some sense in her heart's head.

“I want to befriend you” she grinned.

“I'm seventeen” he answered which meant they became friends.

“We're the same age buddy!” she paused for a second then realised he must have had an exam too, “How was your exam?”

He scrunched his nose and replied, “Let's not talk about it.”

Before they could continue the conversation his phone buzzed with a message. He checked his phone and it was a message from his mother indicating she was waiting for him outside the school.

“Gotta go!” he said and got up with his Starbucks mug in his hand. She got up too with her mug and both of them walked to the cash counter.

They paid for their respective drinks and then exited the cafe.

Author's note:
Is the update length okay?
I think the start was lame. I don't know if you liked it or not.

These are their international ages and italics are used for their thoughts.

Healing | Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now