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"Yay!" Yeonjun screamed as made a strike in his first turn.

The four were in a bowling place and going for bowling was Kai's idea as he had never tried it.

"That was just beginner's luck." Taehyun teased Yeonjun, knowing damn well he is hella competitive.

Yeonjun glared at him and said, "Hey, if you don't make a strike then you'll see."

Taehyun picked up a bowling ball and threw it on the alley. Surprisingly, he made a strike too. Kai let out loud scream of excitement.

The screen above showed Min Si's name, so the three boys looked at her with expectant eyes while she was munching on chips. She raised eyebrows with a questioning look after she noticed their glance on her.

"It's your turn. You have to make a strike for a turkey." Yeonjun explained her, what the scene was.

She handed the packet of chips to Kai and tried to pick up a ball, but it was a heavy one which made it difficult for her to hold it.

"It's heavy!" She whined.

"Because you picked up the heavy one." Yeonjun told her as he took the heavy bowling ball from her and placed it back on the stand. He then picked up a lighter one and gave it to her.

"I didn't know they had different weights." She admitted and Yeonjun internally face palmed.

"Jang! Min! Si!" The boys chanted her name inorder to hype her up.

She threw the ball without much force thinking that way it'll not change it's direction. But the rolling ball only hit two pins on the right side.

She let out a "Sorry!"

The boys were disappointed but covered it up with claps. "Atleast it didn't go into the gutter. It was amazing for a first try." Yeonjun said while clapping.

After bowling for some more time, Min Si started getting used to it. It was her chance again, so she picked up a bowling ball while Kai demonstrated a new pose to her.

Kai turned his back towards the ally and demonstrated to roll the ball from between his legs.

The other three giggled seeing the maknae. Yeonjun's first reflex was to look at Min Si. He felt an unusual delight seeing her laugh.

While laughing Min Si accidentally dropped the bowling ball from her hand and it landed on her right foot. She felt terrible pain in her feet.

"Ahh!" She groaned in pain.

"Are you okay?" Yeonjun asked concerned.

"I can't even sit here."

Yeonjun and Kai helped her walk to the seating area and made her sit on a bench. She placed her right leg on the bench to see if it ok.

"You should open your shoe and check if your foot is alright." Taehyun adviced her.

Yeonjun placed his hand on the upper portion of her shoe and she understood what he was doing, although to the younger boys it only looked like he was was helping her open the shoe. Yeonjun delicately slid her foot out of the shoe and she proceeded to open her sock. Her foot looked perfectly fine and ofcourse it didn't pain anymore.

"I think it's okay now." She mumbled loud enough for the boys to hear.

Kai let out a sigh of relief and commented, "You're so overdramatic." He went back to continue bowling, followed by Taehyun.

Kai is the one to speak.

Yeonjun stifled a laugh while she glared at him, "Don't you dare laugh!"

She put her leg down and started wearing sock back while he say down beside her.

"You were about to cry. Crybaby!"

She whined and hit his arm.

"It was painful and I panicked thinking that I will lose my leg today."

"Why did you panic when I was here?"

She stayed silent, she didn't expect him to use his powers again.

"If you ever get hurt again, just come to me." He said, softly caressing her hair. His action made her heart skip a beat and heat rise up to her cheek.

• • • • • • • • •

Yeonjun yawned for the third time while sitting in maths class. He had absolutely no interest in maths but had to study it. Wooyoung was sitting beside him and watching a movie with subtitles and zero volume.

Boredom made Yeonjun hungry, he looked at the clock which showed 12:05.

It was twelve o'clock like half an hour ago.

It was still twenty five minutes left for the break, he wanted to meet Min Si The thought of meeting her reminded him of a question he wanted to ask Wooyoung.

He took out his phone from his pants' pocket and held it in a position where the teacher can't see his phone.

Can Min Si sit with us during the lunch break?

Wooyoung paused the movie and opened his and Yeonjun's chat to type the reply.

I told you Mr. Song
called me that day,
I was not with a girl.

That's not the point.
She's my friend, can't
she come with us?

Doesn't she have
other friends?

Yeonjun looked at Wooyoung with puppy eyes but he was a little annoyed.

I didn't like her
friend's behaviour.

But that doesn't define
her behaviour.

Yeonjun gave up on messaging and whispered to him, "She's a really nice person."

"But why does she has to come with us?"

"Choi Yeonjun and Jung Wooyoung stand up!" Their maths teacher, Mr. Hong yelled as he caught both of them talking.

The said boys immediately locked their phones, it was the reflex action they have made in the course of time. They stood up knowing very well what the teacher was going to do.

"I must be really unlucky for teaching students who just don't listen. I don't even want to argue with both of you. Give me your phones and just go, stand outside of the class."

Mr. Hong snatched their phones from their hands. They didn't panick as they knew they will get their phones back after the class.

They walked out of the class and stood with their backs facing the wall.

"Do you like that girl?" Wooyoung asked while leaning on the wall to which Yeonjun nodded his head not trying to hide anything.

"It's just been three days since you met her."

"And your point?"

Wooyoung rolled his eyes, "She better be a nice person."

Yeonjun gave him a cute grin to which Wooyoung made a disgusted face.

After standing for some time, they heard Mr. Hong talking about the type of students he doesn't like in his class.

"I don't like students who don't submit their assignments on time. Why can't they do their assignments?"

Yeonjun giggled, "He's talking about you."

Wooyoung gave him a death glare mouthing "Shut up!"

Mr. Hong continued with his rant, "There are some spoilt brats who don't study because they don't have to struggle for jobs. They will inherit their parents' business. They don't study and don't even let their friends study."

"He's talking about you this time." Wooyoung nudged Yeonjun.

"I don't care as long as this doesn't reach my house."

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