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The students happily left the school after the end of the last period. Min Si was waiting for her driver on a bench near the school's main gate.

Soon Yeonjun, who was passing by came and sat beside her. "Hey!" He greeted.

She immediately felt her lips form a natural smile. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Waiting for my mom. You?" He asked. Normally his driver was always on time, but his mother insisted she would pick him up and drop to school this whole week as she had lesser work.

"Driver. But how come we haven't met before?" she asked confused.

"I don't wait here. After the school ends, I go the convenience store and my driver is mostly on time. Today, I stopped here because of you" he explained.

She felt a little thing inside her stomach when he said that he stopped there for her.

There was a silence for a few seconds until she spoke up, "I saw another instagram account of yours with thousands of followers"

Even though she didn't ask anything but he answered, "That's my public account. My private account is only for close friends"

Am I his close friend? Already?

Her cheeks were tinted pink. He was already making her blush.

She tried to joke around, "You looked like a wealthy family's son in your public account"

"Did you stalk my account?" He teased.

Her cheeks grew more red. She didn't have anything to answer because he was right, she did stalk his account and she was embarrassed now.

"I wasn't practically stalking you, I was just looking at a rich guy's account. You're just a cute duck" she awkwardly tried to defend herself.

It was his turn to get flustered. He tried to distract himself by looking here and there, when he spotted a injured puppy besides a street light at a little distance from the bench. He nudged Min Si to look at the puppy, which she did immediately.

They got up and walked to the puppy. He picked it up in his arms and saw that it was bleeding through one of it's paws.

"Looks like it got hurt while playing" he said in a worried tone while petting the puppy's head.

"What are you planning to do? Can you heal puppies too?" She asked out of curiosity while looking at him.

He placed his palm on the puppy's injured paw and it healed within a few second. He stroked the puppy's head and the puppy licked his forearm joyfully. After petting the puppy for a few moments he placed the puppy back on the ground smiling and they went back to sit on the bench.

Min Si loved how he used his powers for good things and was so compassionate. "I thought you can only heal humans"

"I can heal every living being"

"It  must be good for you. If you get hurt, you can heal yourself"

"Except myself" he added to his previous statement. His words sounded sad to her ears, having the power to heal everyone but unable to heal his own self.

But before she could say anything, a car stopped a few feets away from them and Yeonjun's mom stepped out of the car.

"Sorry, I am late" his mom said while walking towards him. Min Si was able to decipher it from the first glance that the lady was Yeonjun's mother.

He sure got his looks from his mother.

"It's ok, Mom. I was with a friend"

His mother noticed Min Si standing beside him.

"Hello, I am Jang Min Si" Min Si said while bowing.

"Hello, I'm Yeonjun's mother" after a small awkward pause she asked, "How will you go home? Should I drop you?"

"Thank you but my driver will be here in no time"

As if on cue she saw her car halt just behind Mrs. Choi's car.

"I'll get going!" she bowed infront of Mrs. Choi and waved at Yeonjun.

"Bye!" She heard Yeonjun say before she entered her car.

After Min Si's car left Mrs. Choi sat on the driving seat of her car and Yeonjun sat on the shotgun seat before throwing his bag at the back seat.

"How many times should I tell you? Don't throw your bag" Mrs. Choi nagged while starting the car.

"Wooyoung won't come to school tomorrow. It will be so boring" he started the talking. Mrs. Choi always asked her son about his day at the end of the day, which eventually became a habit of Yeonjun to talk about his day to his mom. Although it didn't mean he never hid things from his mother.

"You don't need a friend during classes, my dear" she reminded him,  "Take  all the notes properly, so that it can help Wooyoung-ie"

He nodded at his mother's concern for Wooyoung's studies.

"Is Jang Min Si your new friend?" Mrs. Choi asked suddenly.

"We met yesterday"

"She ranked #1 so many times in your school"

He didn't expect Min Si to be a topper. Maybe because of the stereotype that toppers always have their nose in books and have no social life.

Now that he thought about it he did read her name in the ranking list many times.

Mrs. Choi's phone ringed interrupting their talking. She picked up the call and put it on speaker.

"Ma'am, Sir will land in Korea on Wednesday morning" their house's butler informed her. The mood in the car tensed up immediately.

"Ok! Thank you Mr. Seo" she said before hanging up the call and heaved a stressful sigh.

"When will your results come out?"

"Wednesday" he muttered.

• • • • • • • •

It was midnight but sleep was not cooperating with Yeonjun, so he scrolled through instagram while laying on his bed. He was getting bored but then he saw Min Si's instagram story, a picture with Taehyun and Kai, so he decided to text her.

How do you know these brats?

Much to his surprise, she was online and she replied.

Don't call my students 'brats'

So you are their genius tutor they brag about

Correct 😁

Aren't you a little dense to be a genius?

He knew it would be fun to tease her.

Look who's talking hahaha
You trusted me so easily that you even told me about your powers. What if I leak your secret.

The tables turned, now she was the one teasing him. She didn't have any intention of leaking his secret, she was just having fun.

Who will believe you?
They will think you're crazy.

You're a genius

He chuckled reading her reply and mumbled, "and you're an idiot."

Why are you still awake?

Good Night 😪

Healing | Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now