11- THE END!!! (Thank you all my readers!)

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I was just chilling at Starbucks when everything turned black.

The figures of my schoolmates appeared in front of me.

Then Melody also appeared.

"Come on," she said mockingly. "Try and stop us."

Out of nowhere, weapons appeared in their hands. They started closing in.

"What? Can't stop us?" she continued to mock me.

I backed away until my back hit the front door. I took the opportunity and exited.

They practically chased me out the door.

We ended up in the some-kind-of-forest where picnic place was located.

There were trees everywhere so I really can't see where Matt and I were earlier.

Suddenly, Matt randomly popped out from the branches.

"Natalia?" he called out. "Are you seeing stuff again?"

"Go away! I'm fine by my self!"

"Are you sure?"

"Leave me alone!"

He left, leaving me alone with the hollow figures.

"Are you sure?" Melody mocked. "I know you can't do it by yourself."

One of them shot a flaming arrow, which I avoided, and landed on a tree trunk next to me. The fire spread quickly. In only a matter of seconds, the whole forest was on fire.

I needed to find a way to stop them.

Wait, I thought, how did Matt stop them?

Then I got it. He told me the truth. I believed in the truth.

The truth. It echoed through my head until I got it. This was not Melody. She would never mock me that cruelly. Although she was trying to help me, she would never help me like this.

"You're a lie." I tried to sound confident, no matter how hard it is. "You're not real. You're just a figment of my imagination. All of you are."

"What are you blabbering about?" Melody hissed.

"And since this is just all in my head..." I scoffed for dramatic effects. "...you can all just..."

I paused for more dramatic effects at this point.

Then I continued, "DISAPPEAR."

Then, poof! All of them disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Wait, I thought, if it's all in my head...then I'm not insane!

But the problem now is, the forest fire didn't disappear along with the hollow figures.

Smoke was now filling the area, and unfortunately, my lungs too.

I started coughing and calling for help. "Help!" Cough, cough. "Matt?" Cough, cough. "Anyone?"

I started making my way through the burning branches and leaves.

Then, I started crawling on the soil, desperately trying to get out alive.

Then a figure emerged.

"Natalia?" It was Matt. Panic laced his voice. "Are you in there?"

I coughed in response, not being able to breathe or talk anymore.

Before I knew it, he was by my side, putting my left arm around his shoulders and dragging me away from the fire.

When we arrived at the Starbucks parking lot, he immediately gave me a jug of water.

I could see that people stared crowding the area.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked.

I swallowed the water in my mouth. "Yeah. I guess."

"Great," he mumbled.

I pursed my lips and nodded awkwardly, not really knowing what to do.

A few moments of uncomfortable, really awkward silence passed.

"I-uh, I gotta go over there and... Yeah." I just wanted to escape the situation. "Thanks for your help."

I started walking over to a random location when Matt called, "Wait."

I stopped walking and turned around.

"Look, I-Um... I-"

I looked at him weirdly as he stuttered uncontrollably.

He took in a deep breath and said, "I really really really like you. Like, like-like you. Like, more than how you see me. And I know that it's a shot in the dark for you to like me back but-"

He stopped his freakishly fast talking when my lips landed on his.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms wrapped around my waist.

I pulled away a bit and muttered, "You dense idiot. I've been crushing on you side you gave me root beer."

"Weirdo," he retorted.



"Okay, too far," I joked.

"Oh, come on you're not the only one who's insane."

I scoffed, and reunited our lips.

He's right. I'm not the only one who's insane. We all are. There's always a little spark of insanity in everyone. And that's what makes people unique. We all are insane.

{a/n}: Woo! Only the epilogue to go!!! Woo! Thanks to all my insane readers!!! You weirdos! Thank you, pink4miles and DawnBlossomer for voting and commenting!!! 👏 Thank you also, 5sosYey for annoying throughout this whole thing! Haha jk. Luv ya, dude.


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