2-A Visit

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"Natalia, dear?" Melinda's sugary sweet voice echoed through the hallway.

I opened the door and poked my head out. "Yes, Melinda?"

"It's time for lunch!" She handed me a plateful of plain macaroni with nothing on it.


"Have you seen Fred, dear?" She gestured to the other plate on her hand with raw sliced potatoes. "I have to give him his lunch."

"Uh, I think he's on the- Oh, there he is!" I pointed to the ceiling above us.

"In the future, North Virginia and South Virginia will merge into one big Virginia!" Fred said, still hanging from the ceiling above us.

"What are you doing?" Melinda asked scoldingly.

Fred and I exchanged glances and snickered.

"I think he's just..." I paused for a dramatic snicker. "Hanging out."

Then we burst out laughing.

"Well," Fred said. "She is quite PUNny!"

"Ha-ha," Melinda fake laughed. "Oh, and dears, give the plates back to me in the kitchen so we have enough plates for the events."

"Event?" Fred and I said in unison as Fred dropped from the ceiling. "What event?"

"Oh, little Girl Scouts are gonna come here and hang out with you guys. You know, coloring stuff, sing-a-longs."

"Real Girl Scouts?!" Fred exclaimed. "Like, real little female humans?"


We never got people from outside the gates to come visit us. The gates were always locked.

"Ugh!" I groaned. "I hate little humans!"

"Why?" Fred protested. "They're tiny, they smell good and they probably taste good too! Like your foot when I licked it. Your foot tasted really nice!"

See what I have for friends here?

"So you guys better dress pretty and fancy for tonight. There's gonna be a fancy dinner afterwards. There's plenty in the dressing room," she said.

Fred and I spent the rest of our four hours before the event talking about the future and picking out clothes.

By 5pm, we were starting to get ready.

Fred insisted on wearing a glittery purple tux even though I disapproved of it.

I wore a dress. It was black and white.

Soon the Girl Scouts came. They sang some songs first then they danced with us. Blah blah blah. But one of their scouting teachers caught my eye.

It was Melody's best friend.

(A/N): This is short. I had writer's block or whatevs so... Yeah.

So I added a media thingy of Natalia's dress. There.

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