1- The Massacre

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Natalia's POV

I live in a mental hospital.

It's not as bad as you think, though. My nurse, Melinda, always gives my my favorite food, macaroni with nothing on it. I share a room with guy named Fred. He thinks he's from the year 2120. I pity that guy. He sleeps in the bathtub although I offered the bed to him. He says the bathtub is his portal to 2120. But he's a pretty good guy.

Everything's good here, except that I don't belong here. I was dragged here. I'll tell you why-

I have a twin. Her name was Melody. We looked exactly the same- same red hair, same extremely tall, yet extremely thin body. But she had brown eyes while I have green ones. While I was an anti-social weirdo at the back of the class, she was the smartest, most talented, and most teacher's pet-ish student of Autumn Heights High School. Everyone envied her perfection. Everyone wanted to be her. They tried their best to outrank her. They wanted to eliminate her. And so they tried.

She was starting to get picked on. A new set of bruises every afternoon. One afternoon, while I was in detention for hitting a student who picked on Melody, some students were hitting her while she was walking home. One shoved her so she fell on the street. Right at that moment, a car went by. Melody was sent to the nearby hospital, her situation critical

I was at the detention room watching it all unfold. Of course, everyone came rushing down. Except me. I was too stunned, too numb to move a muscle. So instead, I planned their deaths.

About a week passed, Melody wasn't getting better. Then, she just... gave up. Her heart monitor thingy went straight line.

Then there were all the law nonsense stuff, but surprisingly, classes resumed.

The next day, I brought a Magic 8 Ball toy thingy. Well, at least that's what they think it is.

I went into the classroom, slightly late for first period and slumped in my chair at the back of the room; the seat at the front row center was now empty.

Many started comforting me, but I just gave them icy glares.

Lunch. My plan was about to commence. I went to the cafeteria, where all the students of Autumn Heights High School eat lunch.

I brought out my Magic 8 Ball toy thingy and pushed a red button. It started counting down from 60.

I walked out the building, feeling victorious. I was out the gates when the whole school exploded behind me.

I felt like a Power Ranger.

Then when I reached the age of eighteen, I pretty much got over everything.

Until one night...

I was asleep. I went out to the living room to get a glass of water.

Then I saw them in the kitchen. All the students of Autumn Heights High School were there. Translucent and ghostly.

Since that day, I've been seeing them everyday. On the streets, in the market, even in my bathroom.

I tried telling my parents and... Well, let's just say that's what brought me here.

So now I'm nineteen and living in a mental hospital.

(A/N): This is short. But it's just an introduction.

I'M SORRY, 5sosYey!!!! I know I promised you R.O.G.G. but I ran out of ideas, and this idea popped in my head!!! I'll still try to do it. I PROMISE!!!

So this is my fifth story and fourth original story. THIS IS NOT A FANFIC!!! (I'm sorry, fandom members out there.)

Btw, I need a nice male name. Any suggestions?

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