6 - A Glass of Milk

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I couldn't sleep again that night.

I got up slowly, careful not to wake Gabriella, and tiptoed to the kitchen for a glass of milk.

Just as I was pouring in the milk, I saw them.

It's been a long time since I've seen them. I never see them in the hospital.

One of them approached me. Her clothes were tattered with some burn holes in them.

"Murderer," she hissed. "You murdered us all, murderer!"

Another one approached.

"Guilty," a guy with ripped clothes hissed similarly. "Your guilt haunting you like shadows in the night..."

I covered my ringing ears as more and more of them insulted me.

"Stop!" I screamed, my eyes now rimmed with tears. I dropped down to my knees, my hands still covering my ears. "Please stop it!"

I must've woken up Driver Dude because he rushed over to the kitchen.

"What the hell are you doing?" he screamed. His voice was deep because he just woke up.

"I-I see them," I stammered.

"You must die like the rest of us. You must suffer eternally."


"Them! The spirits!"

He crouched down and gripped my shoulders. "There are no spirits. You're just seeing things!"

"No! No, you don't understand!" I wailed and thrashed around, trying to escape his grip.

"Yes, I do. Gabriella told me."

"How did she know?"

"Your mother told her before she died."

"They're shouting at me!" I felt a tear drop. "They're accusing me of the massacre."

He gripped my shoulders harder and pulled me down. "No, no. Stop. Look at me."

I looked straight into his cerulean eyes, getting lost for a moment. I felt like half of the "ghosts" disappeared.

"You didn't want to kill them, right?" His voice was so calm, contrast to his not calming appearance.

I shook my head. "No, I just wanted to-"

"You just wanted to avenge your sister. You were mad at them for treating her badly."

I nodded.

"You loved your sister very much. Love is a good thing. Massacring people isn't," he told me as if I was a kindergartener.

"I'm not a kindergartener, jerkwad," I snapped.

He smiled a bit. "See? Your back to yourself now."

The other half of the spirits also vanished. Odd. Usually they just insult me until I pass out. They never have disappeared before. Well, he didn't need to know about that.

"Thanks," I said, returning the smile. I stood up and leaned against the kitchen, still slightly shaken.

He stood up, too and leaned on the kitchen counter, not too far from the wall I was leaning on. "I didn't catch your name."

"It's Natalia." Suddenly, it was like I forgot that I was attacked by my dead schoolmates.

He ran a hand through his hair. "I'm Matt."

"Shouldn't Gabriella be awake by now? I mean, with all the noise earlier?"

"She's a heavy sleeper."

"Thanks for trying to comfort me," I said.

"Don't mention it."

"I should go now," I said awkwardly.

I started up the stairs, but he grabbed my wrist and said, "Can we not tell Gabriella about this?"

I nodded and continued walking up the stairs.

As I lay on the bed, I had one thought in my head.

I think I have a crush on Matt.

(A/N): There, 5sosYey. You happy now? Just please please please update.

pink4miles, is okay if I use the name Matt? Thanks for suggesting it, btw.

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