Chapter I- New school.

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TanqR p.o.v.:
It was midnight and I had to go to school next day Ehh- I don't care I will be tired. But I almost forgot I'm going to a new school, well today now it's like two minutes after midnight. But you may ask why I'm going to the new school? Ehh-
In the place I lived before there weren't much high schools I wanted to go to. And I found the chosen one here. Now I'm going to live here for couple of years. But I was lucky enough that there were this one small house on sale which I was able to buy. Honestly I should go to sleep I'm still going to be tired but yeah- let's just go to sleep. I turned to my right side and closed my eyes, after a while I felt sleepy.

TimeSkip ( in the morning)
I woke up hearing my alarm going crazy. Ugh- I don't want to go soo bad. I thought to myself while I was turning the alarm of. Then I got up to seat and stretched a little. When I finally got up and head to the closet to chose some clothes. I was standing here like a stupid looking at it. I wonder if they have any uniforms or something like that, I mean I don't have it so I will just wear my casual clothes. I finally decided to wear my favourite hoodie and black jeans because why not and ofc I can't forget about my mask. This thing is the most important here. After I was ready I head to bathroom to brush my teeth. After that I went to kitchen downstairs to eat something. Nothing really special just some sandwiches. After I was done eating I grabbed my backpack and went out from my house locking it. It was still pretty warm outside so think hoodie will be enough. Then I went to school. I didn't lived that far it just a 15 minute walk. While walking I thought about everything. How it is going to be? Will they like me? Or maybe they won't? The most important question is if anyone will notice me? Probably not. It didn't took me long to get here. I saw the building and I sighed. I guess this is going to be a prison for next couple of years . I really don't want to go here but I need to. I head to the enter of this and went in. I saw the locker room sign so I went here. I wanted to do this as quick as I could because I need to go to principal to give me my lesson plan. After I did what I needed I headed out from there and started looking for principal office. But the weird thing I noticed that everyone were looking at me and some of them were whispering. I guess I'm not welcome here huh? I will just ignore them. After a while I found it. I sighed and knocked.

Principal: Come in!

As soon as I heard that I head in. I closed doors behind me but bell for lesson rang.

Principal: Oh it's you! Come on sit here.

He showed me a sit and I sit in here.

Principal: So you are that new student? Wait let me see. Your name is TanqR right?
TanqR: Yes, that's me.
Principal: Welcome I our school I hope our students will welcome you well. Here is you plan. Your class have math right now in classroom number 14. I think you will be able to find it easily.
TanqR: Umm- Alright. Thank you sir.
Principal: No problem, now go everyone are waiting for you.
TanqR: Thank you again and goodbye sir.
Principal: Come here if you need anything bud, I'm always here.

I didn't answer and I head out form the office. Ehh- now I need to find class number 14. It actually didn't took me to long to find it. I was standing right opposite to the classroom. What should I do? Just knock and say good morning or maybe wait. Ok I'm just going to knock. I knocked and I heard someone saying "come in". So I opened them and showed myself to others.

Math teacher: Oh you are that new student. Come in!

I head deeper into classroom. Everyone were looking at me which made me kinda uncomfortable. Did I already did something wrong?

Math teacher: Do you want to say something about yourself?
TanqR: I-I-I would rather not to.
Math teacher: Don't worry I understand. Sit next to that girl with purple hair. Can you show yourself Sabrina?

I looked at class and I saw purple haired girl waving at me. So I did what the teacher wanted me to do. I sat dow next to that girl, unpacked my things and started listening to this lesson. But suddenly she whispered something to me.

Sabrina: Hey! What's your name?
TanqR: Mine? Uh- it's TanqR you are Sabrina right?
Sabrina: Yep that's me! You don't know anyone here yet, do you?
TanqR: No I had one friend here before but I don't know I he still remembers me. I don't remember his name as well just some memories that's it.
Sabrina: Is he in this class or other?
TanqR: Other I think.
Sabrina: Well I can help you to get to know people in this class. I know everything about them that you should know!
TanqR: Oh That would be great.
Sabrina: We can go to library after this lesson and I will explain everything.
TanqR: Alright! But I don't know where the library is.
Sabrina: Don't worry I will show ya!

As soon as she said that the bell rang and lesson was over. I got up and went to the hallway.

Sabrina: C'mon lets go!
TanqR: Yea.

I followe her to the library, when we got here we sat down at the table.

TanqR: So?
Sabrina: Alright So you might noticed that there is not much people in classes. There is only 15 people in our class, Well now it's 16. But anyway let's start. First on the list is Angelazz she is really nice and kinda person she can be annoying sometimes but overall she is good, she usually hangs out with a boy named iAirRon. Next is Ashley and she is the best. The kindest person I ever met. She literally will try to help you even tho she might don't know how. Next is Buur this dude is like a class funny man. Everyone likes him because of this. 4th on the list is Conor3D he is like a class nerd but if you will get close to him you can have a nice talk. He is also really out going like really he wants to know everything. Next is DJ he is actually my best friend, he is really nice guy to talk to. Maybe sometime he has some weird ideas but that's why I like em!
TanqR: Oh man it's already so much to remember.
Sabrina: Yeah I know. But let's just move on to next. Next is the iAirRon dude I never really get to talk to them that much but I talked to him 3 times this year and he seems nice. Phew- 7th is KonekoKitten and he is like the big brain of our class, like you don't want to got into argument with him because he would absolutely smash you with words. Next is KreekCraft...
TanqR: KreekCraft?
Sabrina: Yeah, you know him?
TanqR: I think I heard about him somewhere.
Sabrina: Oh- Alright he is really competitive and he is the most skilled here like in every sport and stuff.
TanqR: So we got some competition here huh?
Sabrina: What do you mean?
TanqR: If you are saying that he is that good, I'm looking forward to compete with him.
Sabrina: Ohhh So you are also good at it. I can't wait for that!

Then suddenly the bell rang.

Sabrina: I can tell you about them in the next break.
TanqR: Nah you don't need to I will find it out myself. We should go now.
Sabrina: Yeah.

We stood up and went out from library. We headed towards the gym.

TanqR: Anyway I wanted to ask. Why do people looked at me today like that.
Sabrina: Oh don't worry every time when someone new comes they look at the like that, especially when you have a mask on.
TanqR: Makes sense. But what do we have now?
Sabrina: Hmm- I think P.E. yeah!

I'm going to stop it right here :D
Have a great day or night and

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