Chapter 1

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Andy sits in the diner across from Allison like they did almost daily. "I'm sorry it's taking so long. I'm supposed to be getting the papers from my attorney today."

Allison shook her head as she rubbed her foot along his leg under the table, "I know. It's okay Andy. We've waited this long, I can wait a bit longer. All that matters is that we'll be together."

He smiles at her as she pushes some blonde hair out of her blue eyes, "you're being very patient and I love you so much for it."

She shrugged, "I know you have a lot going on and that it isn't easy to just up and leave a marriage after all this time, especially when there is a teenager involved. I'm not going anywhere Andy. I love you."

He started to say something when he heard his phone ring. He sighed, pulling it from his pocket, answering. She watched his face change as he looked back at her "Jesus. Alright. I'll be right there." He hung up, standing up. "I'm so sorry baby. I have to go. I will call you later."

She saw him pull out his wallet but she shooed him away, "it's fine. Just go. I'll get it Andy." She saw him nod, hesitating because he wanted to kiss her goodbye. She giggled, "go Barber!" She heard him laugh as he nodded and disappeared. She finished her lunch before putting some money on the table, returning to work.


Allison paced nervously in the living room when she heard the front door open up, thankful to see only Andy enter.

"Allie? What are you doing here?"

She doesn't say anything before wrapping her arms around him under his coat. She feels him relax into her, "I came as soon as I heard about Ben. I wanted to check on Jacob and you, knowing you probably had to see it."

Andy sighed, pulling away. "Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you babe. Come here."

She looks up at him as he cradles her face in his right hand, kissing her softly as she felt his other hand on her back. Allison moans into his touch, leaning into him as he kisses her again, just pulling away in time for the front door to open. She smiles as Laurie and Jacob enter the house. "Hey."

Laurie smiles, "hey Allie, what are you doing here?"

Allison shrugged, crossing her arms as she watched Andy take off his coat and shoes, "I came to check on Jacob. I heard his friend was murdered." She rubbed his shoulder as she approached him, "how are you bud?"

Jacob shrugged, "I'm fine."

Allison nodded, looking at Andy who gave her a small smile. "You guys want me to get you dinner?"

Laurie shook her head, "it's fine. You should probably go so we can discuss things as a family."

She sighed, "right." She looked at Andy and he motioned her to him.

"Come on. I'll walk you out."

Allison followed Andy out onto the front porch as he closed the door behind him.

"I'm sorry about her Allie. Thank you, for coming to check on me."

She grinned as he grabbed her hand, "of course. You looked so spooked earlier. Are you okay?"

He sighed, resting his forehead against hers, "it's just that it's a kid. Makes it harder. I love you Allison. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Of course. Text me later. I love you too Andy." She leaves him standing on the porch, feeling him watch her as she drove away.


"I just can't believe it Andy. I run through that park every morning. Jacob walks to school that way. How could this have happened?" Laurie sighed, sitting at the kitchen counter after Jacob went to bed.

Andy sighed, shaking his head as he wrapped his arms around Laurie to try and comfort her. "I don't know."

"You don't have any suspects yet? I heard something about a fingerprint."

"It's just a partial print, we don't know. No matches so far." He pulled away to lean back against the counter.

"I can't even get my head around it. Jacob is never walking that way again."

Andy nodded, "I agree. He needs to be driven to school from now on." He watches her stand up, pausing in front of him.

"Coming to bed?"

He sighed, "in a bit. I uh.. may go for a swim. Get my mind off everything."


Andy lets himself into Allison's apartment, finding her asleep in her bed. He grinned, stripping down to his underwear before crawling in behind her. He heard her moan as she pushed back against him.


He chuckled, "unless you've given another boyfriend a key to your place."

She giggled, rolling to face him, "out for a swim?"

"Something like that. I wanted to be near you and your love for a bit."

She moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck, "I'm here baby. Kiss me."

"Gladly." His kiss is soft as she pulls him onto her and he moves between her legs. He hears her whimper, tugging on her underwear as he moans, pulling her underwear off before pulling off his own. He doesn't waste anytime, sliding into her slowly as she moans, raising her hips to him.

"Oh Andy."

He pulls off her shirt, exposing her to him as he grabbed her hands in his, holding them above her head. "I need you Allie.."

She heard him moan as she threw her head back as he trailed kisses down her chin, to her neck and chest. Andy kissed down to her breasts, kissing her nipples as he flicked them with his tongue as she groaned, pushing up against him. "Andy.."

He grinned, "I know baby." He thrusted quicker, bringing his hands down to her hips, gripping onto her as she wrapped her arms and legs around him, pulling him closer. He groaned, "come on love..." He didn't get to finish the thought as he felt her contracting around him, pulling him in as she crashed her lips into his. He held onto her firmly as she pushed against him as he emptied himself deep inside.

She chuckled as he laid next to her, "I like being woken up by you."

Andy laughed, "I only wish I could stay all night."

Allison sighed, "I know babe. It's fine. Lunch tomorrow?" She grinned as he leaned over to kiss her before getting up.

"I will try. Something tells me I'm going to be super busy with this case."

She nodded, sitting up to watch him get dressed, "I understand. I love you."

He moaned, "I love you too Allie. I'll call you tomorrow." He leaned in to kiss her once more, making her chuckle before watching him leave.

Andy Barber - Duplicity 💜Where stories live. Discover now