Sonic x Human!Reader

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Sonic ran around all of Mobius with a lot on his mind, he couldn't quite get his mind to relax about what had happened the past few months but I mean he loved it but he was scared to tell the others where he has been going alone for long periods of time. Okay so Sonic has been seeing a dating a human and the friends and others are still not very trusting of humans, but y/n was different they were kind and sweet and loving and oh boy were they cute!

Quickly he shook his head, get your head out of the clouds Sonic now is not the time for this! Once he finally reached the place he wanted to be instead of running from it he stopped and knocked on the door with flowers he picked up a little runs back. "Y/N! You there?" He heard nothing until he heard humming in the background...oh right the garden. They were always back there, he hopped over the little fence they had made in the front and started for the back area.

"Y/N." He called as he was behind them, they turned around just in time too. "Oh! I didn't hear you, am so sorry Sonic." They smiled as they went in for a hug and he hugged them back with a sad smile, "Hey, it alright I know how much you love to tend to the plants. I wasn't waiting long anyway." He rubbed his nose while blushing holding out some flowers for them, "I got your favorite, hope you like them I made sure they were super fresh." He chuckled as he blushed even more. They grabbed them and kiss his nose, "I love them dear, thank you so much. Come on then let get them in a vase and water." 

They stood up and towered over Sonic, he forgot just how...well tall humans can be and that made him frown in a way since he couldn't hold them without them sitting down, another human could hold them with them sitting on the floor to do so. "So, what brings you out here so early in the morning?" They set up the vase and pour water into it, "Ahh well I couldn't sleep much last night so I thought why not go for a run!" He laughed but he still sighed deep inside. "You need to rest dear, its not good for you to stay up." They looked back at him with a hint of worry deep in their eyes. "Ahh no worries! Besides I was thinking about you and wanting to see you is all, just so happy to get to see you as soon as I could!" He wasn't lying at least completely that is.

"You surely waste no time then, but really next time stay in bed and get some rest even if you just close you eyes for a wink. I can wait sweetheart." They sadly smile and turned back to what they were doing, Sonic groaned his head anyway, they were so understanding it downright hurt. He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't see Y/N looking at him with a look on their face, "Alright Sonic, what's wrong?" He looked up. "What nothings wrong! Why would anything be wrong!" They sighed frowning their brow as they kneeled down in front of the place where Sonic was sitting, if they were like Sonic they wouldn't need to kneel down like that. "Honey, What's wrong?" They held his hand as he looked back he only saw worry in their eyes.

"I said nothing is wrong okay! It's fine, I'm fine, we're fine, nothing is wrong!" He said with a fake smile. They looked down and back up with a look of sadness and thoughtfulness, "Is it me?" He shook his head. "No No No! Your perfect oh my stars your so perfect! Those eyes are so amazing to look at I could get lost in them and your hair is so soft I could play with it all day and ahhh!!!!" He got lost again in his thoughts and screamed once he remember why he was stuck here. "It's no least not in a bad way, all I ever think about is you." Y/N smiled as he blushed and kissed his forehead. "Honey, it's okay talk to me. If something is bugging you, I want you to talk to me after all aren't we partners? Partner's listen to each other as much as love each other, let me help you work it out?" They offered another hand and he gladly toke it.

He sighed as he started to think were to start, "It's not that am not happy, that's far from different am never been this happy in my life...but..." They kissed cheek, "Go on Dear." They said. "But I'm scared what my friends reactions will be, not that I care about looks or appearances! it's just! they still are wary about humans and I want them to know that you kind and sweet and nothing like those guys who have been attacking the towns lately, we know not all human's are like that. But I understand if they question us but I don't want anything happening to you." He said finally getting it all out of head and off his chest.

They hugged him and he welcomed the hug back, "Feel better?" He nods, "Yeah a lot better." They pushed back to look at them. "Sonic, your friends are just like you am sure they will understand and be happy that you found someone even if they are human, and even if a small change they don't which I highly doubt it." They kissed his nose as he giggled a bit. "I'll prove to them that I am worthy of your love." They kissed his hand and he blushed rubbing his neck, "That's not the only thing that worries me." He smiled sadly, "What else worries you Honey?" They ask frowning. "Is that I can't do things for you that another human can, I mean your bending and kneeling down just to talk to me while am sitting never mind if I'm standing up!" He crosses his arm almost pouting. "Sonic do you really think I care about those things?" He looked back at them, "I can't hold you correctly like a tall human man could, I mean I could carry you no problem! I'm Sonic! but still....." They smiled as they got up and sat on the couch next to Sonic and laid their head down on his lap, he stuttered loudly as he blushed. "W-W-hat are you doing Y/N?!" They smiled, "You can hold me, you can have me lay on your lap and pet my hair that you love so much." They moved his hand so it was on their head. "You can say that you love me and tell me all sort of wonderful stories about your day and about your friends." They touched his lips, "You can kiss me just like anyone else can and I don't mean I would let anyone else kiss me but what am trying to say is, is that human or not you can still do things that even a human can." They lean up and kiss his lips as he kissed back with so much love. "Thanks...Y/N...I think I needed to hear that."

They smiled as he smiled back and they hugged his head as he leaned down more. "Partner help each other no matter what, I'll always be here for you. No matter the heaven and seas no one can keep me away from you sweetheart. We will talk to your friends tomorrow and no worries I will be with you every step of the way I promise." He smiled as he hugged them back and kiss their forehead this time, he earned a little giggle from that one. "Your the best, you know that?" He laughed, they laughed back. "I know I am, hahaha." They both laughed as they held each other close for the rest of the day and into the night, and they were right Sonic's friends were happy he found someone even though they were human, Y/N was playing around with Cream and her friends and they all cooed at how cute it was, Sonic knew he didn't need to worry because he had them by his side and nothing could stand in his way.


been a new york min since I've made any story and for that am sorry, making stories just isn't something I enjoy as much as I use to sadly but I will write from time to time and read on my youtube channel, at the moment I have a head cold that am getting over and I've been drawing so I'll be busy for awhile till the next story but here is at least a Sonic x Reader for once instead of TMNT x Reader. Well I'll see ya later! Hope you enjoy my story!

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