Day 1: Getting Lost Somewhere (Fluff)

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Geno's POV

Waiting. That's what everyday consisted of. Simply waiting in the living room as I waited for my husband to get home from work. He often worked the whole day until real late at night, but he told me he hoped to get off early today. So here I was at 3pm, anxiously waiting on Reaper to arrive like he promised.

The jingle of keys made me look up, just in time to see my husband walk inside and de-summon his scythe. I stood up and walked over, greeting him like I normally do. He smiled at me, pulling me into a hug. "Hello, angel" he said, nuzzling gently into my shoulder. I smiled, kissing his cheek "Hi" He pulled away slightly, just enough to pull me into a gentle, loving kiss. It was all too short lived as he pulled away again. "I hope you weren't too bored without me" I shook my head in response "The same as always. Though I'm glad you got off early like you told me you would" he chuckled quietly at that "Well I couldn't lie to my angel, now could I?" He said, smiling as he kissed my forehead "That reminds me, I figured we could do something. Maybe go out on a walk together or something, since it's actually daylight this time" I nodded in approval "Sure, I don't see why not" I said, slipping my shoes on and making sure I had anything and everything I needed before we were out the door.

We definitely were enjoying our walk, despite some of the weird looks other people liked to give us. I don't blame them, it's not everyday that you see the Grim Reaper and an immortal 'should've been dead' skeleton walking together. It's definitely a sight. Reaper got me some ice cream, obviously knowing I loved the cold treat, and offered to stop by some stores. I denied the stores though, just wanting to spend my time with Reaper and our ice creams. I didn't want to shop anyways. He decided it'd be a good idea to go on the outskirts of town since he 'didn't like the looks they were giving his angel'. I honestly could care less about their looks, but it never mattered much to me anyways. After walking for quite a while, I checked my phone, seeing it was about 5:00, meaning we had been walking for almost 2 hours and that it would be getting dark soon. "We should head back" I informed, looking up at my husband. He nodded, looking around. He chuckled nervously "Only one issue.....I don't know where we are-" I immediately froze, almost upset with him. Almost. "You got us lost?!" Reaper simply shrugged "I think so, yeah" he seemed to have no issue with this. How could he not? We were in the middle of nowhere without a way back to the town. We couldn't even see it in the distance. I sighed "Well figure it out." Reaper looked back at me, giving a fake hurtful look "Awe, you're gonna make me figure this out on my own?" I simply nodded "Your idea, you fix it"

Reaper ended up wandering around for a bit, which just got us more lost. I didn't understand how he just got us more lost, he had to have walked in big circles for at least 30 minutes. It was already sundown, I was getting tired, and Reaper was giving up. I stopped him from walking around, thinking for a moment. I suppose I could help, just this once "Call your brother" Reaper's face went blank for a moment before he laughed awkwardly "Of course, why didn't I think of that-?"

We ended up just getting Ink to come get us and bring us back home, where I immediately went to bed, Reaper not far behind me. We definitely slept good that night, both exhausted from our little goose chase of figuring out our way back home.

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