Day 2: Pet Names (Fluff)

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(This one does take place in the past, which means it's just basically gonna be their relationship around when it first started-)

Reaper's POV

Here I was, with my dearest boyfriend, Geno. We were just kinda chilling on his couch right now, both of us too lazy to get up. We were finished watching a movie for our little date we had planned, and just decided to kinda hang out for the rest of the night. It's not like I had anywhere to be or anything to do, so why not spend my time with him?

I looked over at Geno, an idea striking my mind. I gave a gentle smile, trying my best not to let it turn into my normal grin. "Hey, Gen?" Geno looked up at me in response "How would you feel about a cute little nickname?" His face dusted with a light blue, thinking about his answer before answering "Don't you already have one?" I shook my head "What nickname are you thinking about? 'Gen'?" I asked, chuckling before continuing again "That's just an abbreviation of your name. I'm talking about one that's specifically from me. That only I can use. Like how most people call each other 'babe'" I had to be honest, I didn't like the nickname 'babe' for Geno. It just didn't fit him, nor did it fit his personality. 'Baby' I could work with, though I still didn't like it. They were basic nicknames, and Geno deserved something better than that. A name where I can simply say it and he immediately knows I'm calling him.

"How about 'angel'?" I asked, snuggling closer to him in hopes of his agreement. He just looked up at me "Angel? Really? How'd you come up with that?" I chuckled, kissing the top of his skull gently "Because you're my angel. You saved me, just like a guardian angel. It's fitting" he just grew a deeper blue, smiling to himself even if he tried to hide it from me "Call me what you want, I guess.." he said quietly, trying to sound upset at the topic. I only smiled "So I can call you angel?" He nodded "Baby?" Another nod. "Sweetheart?" Yet another nod. "Love?" A small wait before another reluctant nod. I smiled at his reluctance, leaning down and kissing his cheek "I'll keep this conversation in mind for when you get mad at me for calling you a nickname-" he gave a quiet huff, giving me a look of annoyance "You say that like I'm always mad or upset with you!" I chuckled "Of course not, angel. You just have a tendency of forgetting what you allow me to do" I informed, pulling him against my chest. He flipped around to be facing me, laying his head against my chest as he yawned quietly and nodded "Yeah, okay.." I gently pet his skull, hoping to lull him to sleep. I knew he needed the sleep since he didn't sleep much unless I was around, so I figured I'd let him sleep while I was here. He did eventually fall asleep, his breathing pattern changing as soft, almost unnoticeable snores came from him. I smiled, kissing the top of his head before relaxing onto the armrest of the couch

"Goodnight, angel.."

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