Day 4: Hospital Visits (Slight Angst-Fluff)

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Reaper's POV

Oh jeez.

Here we are, in the hospital.

Geno passed out again. He's told me time and time again to take him to the hospital if anything ever happened. If he passed out, started excessively bleeding, anything. Who was I to not follow what he told me? He knew more about what was wrong with him, I couldn't do anything. Doctors and himself would help better than I could. So here we were, sitting at the hospital. More so him sitting in the room, while I waited outside to be allowed to see him. They wouldn't let me inside because he 'wasn't ready' and I wasn't his husband.


Anyways, the doctor came out, looking dead at me. He didn't say anything, so I just gave him the same look back. He sighed, looking away "You may enter now. He has asked for you and won't leave us alone until you are in there." I grinned at that. Losers, I told them that. I told them he wouldn't be happy when I wasn't there but 'nooo', they knew everything. I stood up and nodded, walking past him and into the room. I looked at Geno who immediately looked at the door, as if he was waiting for me. I smiled, walking to his bedside "Hello, angel.." he whined "Where were you?!" He asked, obviously upset "Baby, they wouldn't let me in here.. we aren't married, so I wasn't allowed to stay in here.." I explained, gently holding and caressing his cheek with my thumb. He whined again, I hated seeing him like this. He pressed into my hand, nuzzling it gently "They put the IV in..harshly.." He mumbled, trying to make sure the doctors wouldn't here. He probably didn't want to make them upset. I leaned in slightly so he wouldn't have to whisper "The normal harshness it takes..?" He shook his head, leaning further in as if he was scared "Worse.." I turned to look at the doctors, kindly asking them to leave. The one who had 'escorted' me in almost got defensive, but another doctor stopped him, telling him they had to follow my request. He sighed and walked out, the girl smiling at me before following. I turned back to Geno, sitting in the bed beside him. He pulled me in further, wanting me to lay beside him. I smiled and did so, laying beside him and cuddling him close.

He sighed happily, laying his head on my chest "I don't think you're allowed to do this.." I laughed quietly "I don't care. I'm comforting my angel and they can suck it if they don't like it." I admitted, kissing the top of his head. He blushed lightly at my devotion, but smiled and kissed my cheek in response "Thank you.." he mumbled, yawning quietly. I nodded "Of course, my angel.." I responded, noticing he was already asleep. I smiled and laid back, relaxing back and waiting patiently

"Get better soon, my love.."

((I know, I know- I said I would update every day and I disappeared for almost a month- I'm sorry, the end of school came up and I had no time- I'll make up for it tonight though-))

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