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Everyone in the Commons was wearing black.

Looking similar, but they are all interesting!

The art in the Commons was meant to entertain, but paled in comparison to the multitudes of living personalities surrounding him.

Matthias had chosen this particular Commons as the place to meet his unknown new client. He preferred its eclectic atmosphere.

Their Symbiosuits were all the same dark shade though they were fully capable of bearing colors. Matthias found this element to be representative of the beloved Age of Enlightenment in many ways. Everyone wanted to watch the colors others bore without contributing their own colors to the world. 

Matthias understood he was no exception. 

This did not stop Matthias from seeing colors, though. The unique face of each individual was highlighted in the sea of constant black that surrounded them. Each face represented its own diverse world in the curves, wrinkles, and genetic makeup. The woman's eyes revealed an iota of her relief. The corners of a girl's mouth hinted at her concern. The elderly man's exposed forehead showed surprise. All these would have been buried in colorful suits.

The variety of artificial art, involving a complex mix of sensations of sights, sounds, touse, and touch, defined the atmosphere.

The art atmosphere helped emphasize, if not expand, the vastness of the room. Waves of bluish tones slowly melded into other shades above. The colors were accompanied by soft occasional breezes that brushed coolly against his face. There seemed to be a slow pulse amidst the sights and sensations. Subtle sounds caused him to imagine a million harpists. An ungraspable tune touched an inner recess of one mind. This mellow art allowed people to converse in regular tones. 

As he reveled in the colors of the overarching material, he sought for distinct points of transition in the hues. He looked from the point above him and the multitude of heads around him, bathed in baby blue, down as far as he could see over the equally vast crowds. Down there, it was inundated with a blue hinting toward purple. The hues at one point were different than other points, but it was impossible to detect a distinct line of transition. His eyes followed the length of the ceiling within his view trying to capture any one point in which the change was apparent. When he looked back above him, he noticed it had changed from the baby blue to a blue that bordered on aqua. He had never sensed even that transition.

But now his thoughts wandered to the aqua color of the chambers. Only a handful of the thousands here could appreciate that color. Those were the few that would ever learn about chambers. Most of those few would only learn about them third hand. To them, it would come across as nothing but a fanciful idea. There were few people in the world with Matthias's perspective.

All but a small group of these people would only ever see this Commons building. Of those people, only a handful would ever see the Commons from the outside as Matthias did.

Matthias's had the advantage to see different Commons as he met with different clients. Few grabbed the opportunity to witness the inside of more than one Commons. For most, there was no need to travel. They were simply partaking in a short break. The Commons was the modern train station for those who bothered to get off the train of experiences. 

The time eventually spent in the Commons was short: less than two weeks for most. Of those waiting, the majority simply waited for the mandatory time to change a profile. To most, the opportunity to mingle was not the colorful cacophony Matthias absorbed. While the art and conversation were merely means for them to occupy themselves.

As he walked, one mind delved into the sea of real individuals. He carefully listened as survivors divulged the stories of their lives. He heard the range—from fortunes and frolics to follies and foibles. In the Age of Enlightenment, frank discussion of one's adventures for all to hear was commonplace.

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