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The fog began to lift from Matthias's minds. 

The enormity of the situation revealed itself. He had sex with Katrina in Calissa's presence. It was nothing like the first sex with Katrina. Not too long after Calissa had chastised him for being unwilling to undress with Katrina, Katrina had come to him with that look. It was after a random disappearance of Calissa. Katrina had invited him to the inner chamber. There was no doubt that she had seduced him, but he knew what he was doing as he took her. Her body was inviting and nothing stopped him. There were no barriers standing between them.

The subsequent effects were just as good. Calissa became aware from the start—perhaps through her sister or possibly just through her intuition, as weak as that could sometimes be. Calissa seemed to condone it. Matthias had not been too concerned. Sex was not a far stretch from outright nakedness. Calissa seemed to encourage the event as though wanting them to know each other. She even seemed relieved when it happened. Matthias felt a disappearance of tension. He felt more relaxed around the sisters. He could once again be naked in his lome. He could enter the inner chamber without issue. That sex had been wonderful—both during and after the consummation.

He had felt nothing like this now. He was now feeling a dirtiness unlike any he ever imagined. He felt he had done something bad.

Maybe even... evil?

His thoughts and emotions had become so strong that the lome matched it. The music had grown more intense with the activity. More soothing music now effused from the dim blue walls around them.

When Matthias could manage the images, feelings, and sensations no longer, he turned to the quiet, still body of Katrina and tried to speak from his dry mouth. "Katrina?" It came out in a harsh whisper.

Her eyes immediately met his. The look remained unbroken as did her silence. Nothing changed as though he had not asked the question yet. One mind checked for confirmation that it had indeed spoken aloud. The other mind confirmed.

Matthias was not sure of his words until he spoke them. "Katrina, ... where does this end?"

He realized that he had crossed a new border with Katrina. He had also crossed a new border with Calissa. They were well beyond the territory trespassed from the days he and Calissa shook hands.

She remained motionless. He checked for any motion. He saw none.

But, her chest did move. A slight change. Her eyes did blink. Less than normal. A light pulse of skin percolated many times from a patch of neck within his view demonstrating that her blood was pumping.

"Katrina?" He asked slightly louder, but not yet too loud. The harshness was working its way out.

He echoed louder and she simply blinked. He focused on her features. For the first time, the smile frozen on her broad face held an aura of mischievousness. Time passed as he attempted to read those features. It was as though the lines and curves depicted some ancient script language written upon a crypt.

His other mind thought about sweet Calissa. It presumed the woman had left the lome, but was not sure as the senses were deadened. He had not followed Calissa closely enough to identify a destination when she backed away from the traumatic moment. He relished the recollection of that moment. It was unlike any he had ever experienced. His heart was still racing faster than normal. Calissa's tear sat at the apex of that moment. Matthias had not been alone in seeing this. Matthias knew Katrina had observed Calissa. It may have been indirect, but she witnessed her sister's reaction.

Katrina had expected a reaction from Calissa. The intensity was beyond her expectations. She was now revealing in the moment. It was overwhelming her. She did not know what to say. She was speechless at her success. This was not the last time. This was not the end. She was addicted. Her mind would feel the need for more. She was well down that path. 

I can do nothing to stop her.

No. I'm wrong.

Katrina had not desired the reaction they both witnessed. She had not planned this course of events. 

The events were determined by her behavior. The entire course had been unanticipated. There had been no pivotal moment here. Everything was the natural progress of events. 

We are rolling downhill! We had fallen years ago. Only, now we recognize the momentum.

He recalled a 'nursery rhyme' from the Early Millennia that went:

Jack and Jill
went up a hill
to fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down
and broke his crown
and Jill came tumbling after.

Was this the story of their lives? If so, what does it tell us?

If anything, Katrina was 'Jack' and I... I'm 'Jill'. Katrina had already fallen. I had chosen to follow her. 

Did Jill choose to 'tumble after'? Or, did Jack's fall somehow set her in motion as well? 

Do I have any control? Where will I end up? Am I at the bottom? Was there a bottom? Did I forget some third verse that explained the outcome? 

Is it possible to tumble forever?

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