Prologue: The Lights Up Audition/Hijacking the DJ's Concert!

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*Vinyl City*

*Vinyl City*

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*3rd POV*

Y/N:...Sometimes, when people push you down no matter how hard you try to improve, you must look past them. For they only try to put you down because they know that you can improve, they know that you have more potential than they do, and they are jealous because of it...This however can also leave tremendous scars within you...but with the right push, and the right people beside can accomplish anything...


*Lights Up Audition*

???:*Inhale...Exhale* This is my moment...This is what it's all about...Relax Mayday...

Mayday:Okay...Is this where we're recording? I guess so...Hey. Zuke, Y/N!

Y/N:Coming Mayday!

Zuke:Uh, Gimme a minute!

Mayday:Shake it off, shake it off. Blueheheheheheheheh.

Y/N:Don't worry Mayday, your gonna turn out great!

Mayday:*blushes* hehe, thanks Y/N. *stops blushing and looks at Zuke* Your hair is fine! Come on! this is our television debut!

Zuke:*Rushes over* Yeah! yeah, i'm here!

Producer:Ok, you guys ready?

Mayday:Wait wait wait wait! Ok Zuke, stand here. Right here. And Y/N, opposite to where Zuke is!

Y/N:you mean here?

Mayday:Yes! Perfect! And i'll be here in this corner! Just like how we practiced.

Y/N:And let's hope it doesn't turn out like last time *smirks*

Mayday:Oh come on Y/N! We don't talk about that! besides, it's not my fault that your face just so happened to have been buried in my-

Zuke:OK, We're getting off track!

Y/N:Yes, thanks Zuke.

Producer:Ok, i'm going to start the recording now.

Mayday:Yeeee, It's happening! Time to get famous!

The camera starts rolling and it shows Zuke on the left and Y/N on the right, behind them a cardboard sign of the Lights Up Audition.

Producer:Please state your name and introduce yourselves...

Underneath, you can see a bit of Mayday's hair just coming up on the camera.

Underneath, you can see a bit of Mayday's hair just coming up on the camera

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