Chapter 1:Kliff/Facing the mermaid/I'M WHAT NOW!?

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(So, only one person voted on the voting poll i put last chapter. Kinda expected a few more votes but, meh. So the decision is final now. We are officially the nephew of Johnny-motherfucking-Silverhand! And without further ado...LET'S DO THIS SHIT!)



We had gotten out of our hideout to which i still don't know why we're living in there, i mean i have the money to find us a nice place for the three of us since i do freelance work as an open mic performer to some local bars, great money, greater tips. Anyway, we're now about to go find Kli-


Mayday and Zuke both look at me weirdly.

Y/N:*Embarrased* Heh heh, sorry, that was me. I could use a bite to eat.

Mayday:Well i could use a nice cup of coffee to go.

Zuke:Me too, if we wanna meet Kliff then we better do it while we're awake. I feel like i'm about to pass out.

We walk over to the food stall that's right next to our hideout and speak to Aunty, the owner of the food stall.

We walk over to the food stall that's right next to our hideout and speak to Aunty, the owner of the food stall

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Aunty:Oh, you three! Your usual to go?

Mayday:Yep, and more sugar for me.

Zuke:No sugar on mine please.

Y/N:Just one spoonful of sugar on mine, plus a couple of fries please.

It doesn't take long until Auntie gives us our orders, and i see that Aunty gave me some extra fries to go with. We take this moment to enjoy ourselves before meeting Kliff.

Mayday:So what do you expect this guy is like? He certainly seems cool.

Y/N:I don't know May, i still have a bad feeling about him. Just something about him seems...Off.

Zuke:Yeah, i'm getting the same vibe too. But it's probably nothing Y/N, we might be overthinking him.

Y/N:Yeah...Maybe just my Night City paranoia.

See, i wasn't born here in Vinyl City. I lived in the NUSA (New United States of America), in the city of dreams, Night City. A place where Cybernetics thrived and were sold left and right, but also one of the most dangerous places ever. It was pretty much a blessing and a curse, for when there are a lot of good things there are equally bad things, and Night City had a lot of them. Gangs, murderers, cannibals, you name it, Night City had it. It wasn't until my Uncle, Johnny Silverhand, took me here to Vinyl City where it was safe, loud but safe. That was how i met Zuke, and later on, Mayday, and Bunk Bed Junction was born, as well as another thing with it~. One thing though, in Night City everyone had cybernetics. Some to replace a missing limb or an organ, others to make themselves look strong or terrifying. But not me, not once did i ever need a Cybernetic. I was untouched, and i know, cybernetics must only be applied on adults, but i even saw kids wielding small cybernetics. I was pure...

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