Chapter 2:He's our man, oh he's the best!/Zam FM/The prodigy

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*Bunk Bed Junction's Hideout. Y/N POV*

After our battle with Sayu, things were quite interesting for us. For instance, we now had more fans than we did, and according to the NSR Satellite, we were on 4th place for the Vinyl City top chart, so that was interesting. But i still can't wrap my head around the fact that Sayu's creators told me that Sayu had feelings for me despite being an AI program. I mean, how would you feel if someone told you that an AI was in love with you?

Anyway, i was making my way back to the hideout with a brand new TV since Mayday broke the old one. When suddenly, i noticed that an alleyway that we'd usually pass by was lighting up like a christmas tree. I walk down the alleyway, TV still in my hands, and see a large crowd huddled up waving their arms around, and a big guy in the middle. I take a closer look at him and-

Y/N:No way, is that you!?

He turns around and faces me...It was West!

DK West:*Malay* Y/N! So good to see you lah.

I put the TV Down and run up to West and hug him. The hug lasts for a few seconds until he lets me go.

Y/N:Good to see you too man! *Malay* How have you been all this time?

Yeah, i know Malay. West taught me.

DK West:*Malay*I've been doing good, how about you? I've heard about what's been going on with you and Zuke and another girl called, eh...What was it again? Mayday?

Y/N:Yeah, we've been doing a bit of a revolution to bring change to a lot of things in Vinyl City, mostly about the musical preferences that are denied, and about the energy gathering.

DK West:*Malay*Really? Cause i've heard there's more going on in your band. Dating that Mayday girl and Zukey, huh? *English* Quite a player, eh? *Malay* Got room for another in your little harem?

Y/N:*Blushes* W-WEST!

DK West:*Laughs* *Malay* Ch-chill out, i'm just joking with you! *English* Unless~


DK West:*Malay* Nah, i'm kidding, i'm kidding. *Whispers* Maybe. *To Y/N* So, what'chu got there with you?

Y/N:Oh, i'm taking this TV back to our hideout since Mayday punched our last one.

DK West:*Malay* Yikes, she sounds quite feisty.

Y/N:Yeah, but i find that quite cute about her. It's one of the things i love about Mayday.

DK West:*Malay* Honestly, you are lucky you got a harem with a girl and my bro. Speaking of which, how is Zukey doing?

Y/N:Zuke's been doing well. Remember, he's been sticking with me after all.

DK West:True, true. But uh...*Nervous* Is he still...

Y/N:*Solemn* I'm afraid so man...But then again, you too were out of line back then.

DK West:*English* I know...*Malay* Still, do you think that he might...

Y/N:One day West...One day...

West pulls me in a one arm hug that lasts for a few seconds and lets me go.

Y/N:So what are you doing over here? I see you got quite a crowd here.

DK West:*Malay* Oh, i'm just sharing everyone a bit of true music. Eh, eh, eh, eh eh, ewah! Rap!

Y/N:''True music''? Come on West, there's no such thing.

DK West:*Malay* Ah bulldozer. Anyway, you wanna join us? I still got footage of that one time you rap battled that one snob back in college.

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