Chapter 3:Brotherly feud/High speed pursuit/1010

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(Fuck blackouts! No seriously, fuck them. Anyways, in case you didn't check my post, i had a blackout when working on this chapter and i didn't save. Anyways, hope this turns out well. Also, for the one who suggested we bring a ripperdoc, i plan to. Just not too early ;) Anyway, let's get this chapter going!)

*Y/N's POV*

I was at the hospital for a week until they told me i was clear to go. Right outside however, Mayday and Zuke were waiting for me. Once i got out, they immediately hugged me while also being careful with my arm. Speaking of which, i have it bandaged and bound. They said it wasn't necessary to have it in a cast, that despite the injury i can still use it. I just have to be careful not to work it too hard, or else muscle failure will come earlier than it should. However, i don't think it really matters. If my arm's no longer gonna work, why should i delay the inevitable? Of course, i can't make it seem like i'm working myself too much in front of Mayday and Zuke. Since the Natura Hijack, they've been really worried about me.

Mayday:You sure your fine Y/N?

Y/N:May, i promise you. I'm absolutely dandy.

Mayday:I hope so.

Zuke:Me too. Anyway, we should head back to the hideout. We've got a gig in a few hours.

Y/N:Wait, a gig?

Zuke:Oh, i didn't tell you? We're performing tonight. Our fans will all be there.

Mayday:It's gonna rock!

Y/N:Well, alright. Perhaps i could put my acoustic guitar practice to use.

Mayday:You play the guitar? Why didn't you say so!?

Y/N:You never asked. Anyway, i did it on few occasions when performing on some of the bars. The owners insisted that it would help.

Zuke:Well sure then, but what do you have in mind?

Y/N:Let's just say it's...A blast from the past.

*Short timeskip brought to you by Bunk Bed Junction meeting Your Favorite Martian)

Back at our hideout, we're at our underground gig. This might be the first time we've ever performed in such a scale like this. In front of a huge audience like this.

Mayday, Zuke and i were getting ready. As i go to reach for my mic, my left arm cramps up a bit.


Zuke:You ok?

Y/N:Yeah, i'm fine. My arm just cramped up a bit.

Mayday:Y/N, if your not feeling well, we can always cancel the performance. You don't have to play if your not well.

Y/N:I know babe, but i promise you two i'm fine.

Moving my arm a bit, the cramp is gone. I grab my mic and an acoustic guitar that was a gift...From her...

From her

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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