chapter 9 Cheering her up

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Y/N this is a dream she has that night 

I'm standing at a grave saying her lies Stephanie and Chase Hudson husband and wife, I look down and I'm wearing a black sparkly dress. I realise I have a mirror in my hand and look at myself. I start screaming and see Huddy in the background, he's wearing an unbuttoned black shirt and we look like zombies. "Hey, wake up.

Wake up." I'm full of sweat, I'm huffing and puffing. Lucario looks worried and is trying to comfort me as well as his dad. Huddy says. "Do you want to come into my bed? so you don't have any damn nightmares?" I nod Huddy might be able to calm them down. He picks me up and carries me in his arms, I whisper "Lucario." Huddy sighs "Up boy, up. Good boy." Huddy says. Lucario jumped up on me. Huddy brings me to his room, while I'm giggling. He gently places me and Lucario onto the bed and says. "Lay next to me and I'll hold you the rest of the night." "Okay." I reply quietly, Lucario snuggles into me Huddy puts his arms around makes me feel safe and secure. I drift off to sleep.

Chase's POV

I watch as she falls asleep and feel her warmth from her breath. She looks so peaceful and I can't help but think that she's the one. After so many girls they were great and all but she understands me she completes me, she's my whole world. And Lucario likes her too which is strange because he usually hates all the girls I date. He's snuggling right into me and her, so fucking cute. I'll do anything to protect her at any cost, I fall asleep next to her and wake up the next morning. 

Too Lucario licking my face, he's jumping around on me. He looks like a little puff ball. Steph's still asleep beside me snoring softly. I feel her breath on me, I'm worried about her and what happened last night. She's not up yet, it's 6:00am and she told me she gets up at that time. I whisper to her and say "Hey babe wake up." She makes a cute little happy like groan and she says "Damn I have to go to school." While giving Lucario a scratch behind the ear. When she looks away, she looks sad. I have to do something to cheer her up. I know, She said she really liked Billie Eilish. I can arrange for her to meet Billie Eilish. "Hey, want to go shopping tonight after school?" I say she replies "Yeah we do need food other than macca's." "Couldn't agree more." I say while smiling at her.

Steph's POV

This morning has been great. But Inside I feel like I'm hungover and depressed, by Huddy's face. I can tell that he knows I'm still upset. "Do you want to hop in the shower together?" He asks, I say. "Sure, it'll save a lot of water." He laughs. We walk in the shower, and turn the running water on. I squck at how cold it is, he wraps his arms around me to warm me up. Which works, then the shower is warm. He grabs his body wash and puts it on me and him and he starts kissing me everywhere.

The neck then my stomach and all over my body. It feels nice and soothing. This is the best morning ever. He says "Your turn." So I do the same to him as what he did to me, and he makes a groan while saying my name. Then we proceed to make out for about 30 mins and he goes down to my neck and keeps kissing me there. I like being kissed there and he knows that now because I say. "That's my second favorite place to be kissed." "Oh and what's your first?" "Well they call it lips you know." I say. We say this, while whispering into each other's ears. 

"Let's get out, we have to head to school soon." "Awww but can't we just forget about school and ditch forever.?" He pouts. "No, besides I need to talk to my guys so they know what's up." "Okay, but I'm only going because you said so." He says, I do want to ditch school. But that means I end up ditching my friends. And I don't want to do that to them. I look in the mirror and shit he gave me a hickey, shit. I cover it up with concealer. We head to school, and park at the back of the school.

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