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Marcus was back in the ring of light with Haides. Nothing has changed. It's like I didn't leave at all. There is no concept of time in this realm of the mind.

"Is something amiss, Marcus?"

Marcus considered a bit before answering. "Not exactly amiss, but something happened yesterday after I left you." He added a little sigh for emphasis. "My pursuers seem to have caught up with me a little sooner than anticipated. That's all."

"Pursuers? Now, why would a member of the Dragon Order have pursuers?"

"My mistress has enemies. And rivals that seek to outdo her. There is no more to it than that."

"And these particular pursuers," Haides continued, "are they enemies or rivals?"

"That I do not know. Not that it matters. Enemies or rivals—if they get in my way, I will remove them." Marcus felt no need to elaborate.

"If I wasn't stuck in here, I'd take care of them for you, Marcus." The gatekeeper poured his first drink for the day, then filled his companion's glass without asking. "Vintage conniaco from the First Circle—of the Coalition, not Hell—today. Nothing outlandish or exotic, just seriously good shit."

Marcus picked up his own glass and sat back. "Shall we proceed?"


"You all right, boy?" Luca asked. He pulled Haides to the side, into cover behind a gutted PAX-113 Phalanx. There was a fist-sized hole where an Akakian anti-tank weapon had punched through the armor and hit the AFV's energy cells. Haides doubted any of the occupants had made it out alive.

The boy shook his head—he was definitely not all right. Mother was dead, and he'd been there to see it happen, but unable to intervene. It was supposed to be his day. A glimmer of light in the dark, to pretend, just for a little while, that there were some life and hope left in their small family.

Now it had all gone to shit. Jan was to blame. Always Jan and his shenanigans. And the Colonel for making her stay the night. And Luca for not bothering to see her home. But especially Jan. He should have stayed at home. Should have escorted Mother. If he had stood by his family, the boy would be eating his cake now, not prowling dusty streets in the company of enemies.

"You shouldn't have had to see that. I'm sorry. I had no idea." He handed Haides a canteen.

Luca didn't understand. How could he? He only saw the result, didn't have to suffer through it all. The boy took his time unscrewing the cork. He needed time to think. Mother had to be avenged, that was a given. And Haides would have satisfaction for his ruined day. Those responsible would be made to pay. Vengeance or death; it was the way. He'd need help to get his due. That bastard of a brother, Haides could take care—if he got the jump on him. Shoot him in the back or stab him in his sleep or something. Thinking about sticking the knife into Jan, again and again...

But he needed the soldiers to strike at those who had committed the actual deed. No way could a little boy could take on so many armed adults. Even with help, the chances of finding and dealing with the real perps were slim. But he had to try. They had taken something from him, so he'd repay them with interest. And afterward...he would just have to see what happened along the way, but going with Luca to the new place was still an option. He'd take Eli to replace Mother, Luca had already said yes to that. And Nik. No leaving him with the enemy.

Mazzo had his scanner out, searching for nearby dangers. Rovo was providing cover, sweeping his pulse cannon around in circles.

With surprising speed and agility, Sarge climbed up to my mother and inspected her. "Mazzo. Hand me the scanner, I'll need to do a chem sniff."

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