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Marcus returned his consciousness to the outside world. He was weary to the bone, and the dizziness was back. Being surrounded by allies meant the legate didn't need to maintain a separate mental compartment to handle external appearances. He was still running three internal divisions, however. He trusted Haides about as far as he could throw him. Three was a lot more doable than four, but still taxing—and Marcus was already in a state. I don't think I could have done four today.

"You good, boss?" Kwame said. "You were in there a long time. We were starting to worry."

"It was necessary to go deep—when I do, time passes more quickly," Marcus said, as much for his own benefit as anyone else's. He started getting to his feet but instantly regretted it.

"Careful there, boss," Kwame said and moved in to give Marcus a hand.

The Dragon Order legate let him. It was better to get help than crash into the floor. "Thanks," Marcus said. It was getting dark outside; the last rays of the setting sun was again painting the sky in reds, pinks, and greens. He checked his internal chronometer. That late? The entire day spent interfacing. I must have gone deep indeed.

Marcus pointed at the couch. Kwame guided him over. The legate sat down and let the expensive couch ease his aching muscles. He looked around. Balack was watching the door. Imogen was watching Cal. The Chief Librarian had been asleep on a recliner over by the window, but she was now wide awake and looking at Marcus.

"Water," Marcus ordered. His throat was parched. As is sensing an opportunity, Marcus' stomach growled. "And food, if there is anything."

"We had some earlier. Saved some for you," Kwame said and went over to the kitchenette.

Soon, Marcus was on his second glass of water and chowing down a ham-and-cheese sandwich.

"If you're done with the Maiden, I'll have her returned to storage," Cal offered.

"If you would," Marcus said between bites. "I'm done with this...thing," he added, gesturing towards the Maiden.

"What? You promised Marcus. I gave you everything."

"I lied," Marcus said between bites. "If you can call it that. You're a machine, a library, not a person. Now shut up, or you'll taste the fire again."

The Maiden's head came down. Artificial tears spilled down her cheeks even as her lips changed into unbroken skin.

Marcus felt sorry for her but kept himself in check. They both had a role to play and could not afford to let emotions get in the way. "If you could also arrange for a car and a room at a decent hotel?"

"Of course," the blonde librarian replied.

"Rooms," Marcus added and reached for another sandwich, this one pastrami and a different kind of cheese. "Their apartment was ruined."

Cal nodded. Her hand started creeping towards the injured ear. She flinched as soon as her fingers touched hair.

"Make that a two-bedroom suite for the boss man. He's not fit to be on his own."

"Any other requirements? You want me to escort you there? Tuck you in?"

"Actually, yes," Marcus replied. "Not the tucking in, but the rest of it. You'll see us there, a quality hotel, preferably downtown. A week pre-paid. Compliments of the Pentacle."

"And if I refuse?" Cal said.

Defiance is starting to find its way back to her. Marcus smiled at her from where he was sitting. "I can't see any reason why you wouldn't do this for me. It's an excellent opportunity to try to make good again the injustices done. To me, in particular—and the Order in general. I'm sure the board would agree."

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