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The three surveillance drones hovered silently above. Marcus looked up at them, beckoned for one to descend. It came gliding down on silent grav-coils. Marcus let it wait until he was fully dressed.

"I'm done for today. The Maiden will remain in the chamber, same as last night. See that her basic needs are met this time. It's not a request."

He looked at the Maiden, sitting naked on the little steel table legs cross, knees pulled up to her chin, auburn locks caressing her pale skin. Emerald eyes followed his every move.

"Your pendant," the Maiden said, looking at the omega symbol hanging around Marcus's neck. "It reminds me of something. Samael had one like it. I think Haides did too."

"This?" Marcus said and help up the jet-black pendant. "It's a gift from my mistress. It's an ancient Dark Omega, a memory of a bygone era. When there was a Dominion, it was granted to Archons, Marshals, and the like. Same for the high servants of the other Tetrarchs. The Order still hands them out. Assembly members are given one as a symbol of their office."

"And she gave it to you?"

"Yes. As long as I'm entrusted this symbol, I speak with her authority—and by extension, the Assembly's."

"Tell them to release me. Take me away from this place, and I'll be a good girl."

"It's not that simple. They would still not release you. And abusing the power invested in me would have repercussions. For me, for my mistress, for the Order."

"Why did Samael have one then? Or Haides, for that matter?"

"I don't know. I must go, but I will return on the morrow."

"Can't you stay?" she said, her voice young and innocent.


"A goodnight kiss then? Or I will be cross."

He bent down and kissed her briefly on the lips. She tried to make it into something more, but Marcus evaded her advances.

"Goodnight," he said as he descended the steps.

"Goodnight, my love," she called after him.


Kwame was on his feet and moving as soon as they were sure Marcus was leaving the chamber. The younger of the two security officers knew precisely where he'd intercept the Draconic legate. There was a spot, not far from the entrance to the crypt, where you could pass through a sealed door, concealed as part of the wall, and move into the central corridor without being seen by any of the cameras.

Kwame made his way there and waited. A minute passed. His pulse was up, his palms sweaty. A clandestine meeting with the Dragon Order. Not how he'd expected this day to play out. He wondered what Amaya would say when he told her. Could he even tell her? He'd have to ask Marcus about it.

Another minute passed by. Where was Marcus? What was taking so long? Kissing his cyborg girlfriend? What if someone else appeared? Not many came down here, to the Ninth, but there were patrols sometimes. It would be fine. He had his armor on, weapon in hand, and helmet on his head. He was on his way to Amaya. The cover was good. Just stick to the story, like Balack had told him to.

Kwame heard footsteps echoing down the stone corridor. A tall, handsome man in a black cloak walked with slow, measured steps down the hallway. His raven hair was slicked back, and Kwame could see the cyber-implants fitted to his temples. Marcus. Finally, here he comes. Kwame's heart beat even faster, and his throat was suddenly parched. The helmet. Take off the helmet. Let him read my mind. He willed his hand to lift, to open the seal, but the arm wouldn't budge.

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