01. No

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Author's Pov

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Author's Pov

"No." Shravani Desai replied curtly, not wasting a moment to ponder upon the consequences of her words.

"No? Seems like my daughter has grown a lot that now she is bluntly refusing to obey the words of her own father? How disrespectful." Rajendra Desai curled his fingers in a fist, trying to control the burning anger he felt at the moment due to his daughter's denial.

"Father, I'm not trying to argue nor I'm trying to disrespect you. I was merely stating my decision." She said, looking up at her father.

"Shravani, this is the best marriage proposal you could ever get. After the death of Garuda, the whole of KGF and it's riches will come in the hands of Virat as there is no heir apparent for Garuda. And apart from that, Virat is well educated, rich and powerful. A man truly worth to be the husband of Shravani Desai." Rajendra Desai authenticated, almost making it impossible for her to refuse.

"You are not understanding me, father. I admit he is educated, rich and powerful but I don't like him. I'm not ready for a marriage. Moreover, he does not even have a single quality I want in my life partner. I don't want to spend the rest of my life with a coward like him." Her words were firm, conveying her decision.

"Coward? Shravani think twice before you speak. You should feel lucky that he took a liking for you and wants to marry you. Stop behaving like a brat. I'm giving my acceptance for this marriage whether you like it or not." He snarled, angered hearing her choice of words.

"Father, how can you? I'm your daughter not some road street bitch that you can sell me off to another man just like that?" Her words were rewarded with a rousing slap upon her cheek by her father.

A hiss left her lips as she felt her cheeks burning with the pain. She blinked back the tears that threatened to fall. No! She shouldn't cry. She wouldn't cry. She looked at him with bloodshot eyes.

"Shut it down, Shravani. I don't want to hear another word. You are getting married to Virat whether you like it or not. Learn something from your sister, Shravani. She has never once refused my words unlike you, who is the biggest disappointment in my life. I hope you won't disappoint me, again." He sneered.

She remained silent. No words left her lips as she stared into her father's eyes, which were burning with disappointment, which she knew was completely directed towards her. Her silence wasn't a petite, but more of a silent struggle to determine how much her father has revealed in the past 60 seconds.

"I asked whether you understood or not, Shravani? Don't make me repeat it once more, it won't be good for you." He quarried, breaking the painful silence between them.

"Yes father."

"Good. Now get out of my sight." He waved his hands in a dismissive matter indicating her to walk out.

She turned on her heels, walking past Andrew and Kamal, her father's business partners. Her head held high as she walked out of the dark spelled room with burning fury in her eyes.

A defeated sigh left her lips as she walked inside her room. There's a certain level of tiredness that equates to insanity; for her it's when she did like to temporarily dislocate her spirit from her body, as if she could ask God to take her out for just a short while, let her soul go wherever souls go to be zen.

She didn't want to marry Virat. He is not the one she wants. He is a coward who doesn't even hesitate to backstab his own brother for power. What if one day a situation comes where he has to choose between her and the same power? Well unfortunately for him the answer is very clear. He would chose the power and let her die.

This is not the life she wants for herself. She doesn't want her life to end up like her mother's. She doesn't want to die just like her mother because she choose to marry a man like her father. She wants a life partner who would love her, who would cherish each second he spends with her, who won't hesitate even a second before killing someone for her.

Why can't her father understand her? Why couldn't he love her like he loves her sister?

"You should stop fighting it now, Shravani. Your destiny is already sealed. Now you have no other option other than to marry that guy Virat." Shravani looked at her twin sister, Reena, in disappointment.

How can she easily ask her to stop fighting for her happiness, for her freedom?

How can she ask her to become a scapegoat for her father's greed?

"Reena, how easily can you say that? Oh I forgot, you are dad's favourite right? Always obeying whatever bullshit he says. While who am I? The family disappointment, the rebel. It's my mistake, I expect things when I shouldn't. I understand, I completely understand you point, Reena, but that doesn't mean I will change my visions for it. I will fight. I will fight till my last breath." Shravani passed her sister a sarcastic smile letting the latter know she was firm in her decision.

"Anyway leave it for now, Shravani. We will only end up fighting with each other if we keep on talking about this matter. Did you forgot about the party I have planned tonight?" Reena asked, trying to change the topic, not wanting it to heat up.

Shravani looked up at her sister with a smile. She knew her sister was trying to help her but unfortunately for her, she was failing miserably at it. But she was happy, happy that at least someone was there to love her.

"Give me 5 minutes, sissy. I w*ill get ready and then we can make our move." Shravani said as she rammed through her closet.

"Ok, then. I will be in the hall. Come meet me up there when you are done." Reena said before walking out of the room leaving Shravani all alone.

Her eyes lit up as her gaze fell upon the perfect dress for the night. She is gonna rock it tonight.


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