07. Is it?

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Author's Pov

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Author's Pov.

"-and cheers to the last day of my freedom." Shravani clinked her glass with Reena's, who for a change was not scolding her sister for her rash drinking.

Red lights glimmered around the club, shadowing the occupants like a thin layer of blanket. Loud music was blaring though the system, drowning the voices of people below it. The smell of alcohol and sweat lingered on air, intoxicating the atmosphere.

She gulped down the colourless liquid, hissing slightly at the burning sensation it was causing on her throat. The liquid scorched her insides momentarily clouding her mental pain.

"Come on, Reena. Let's dance." She tried to pull Reena along with her but failed miserably as the latter moved back, shaking her head. "Please Reena, come na." She looked at her dear sister with pout making it almost impossible for Reena to reject her offer.

"You go. I don't feel so good today, I did rather be seated here and have my drink. You go and enjoy." Reena forced out, making Shravani sigh in disappointment. 

"Fine." Shravani made her way towards the dance floor, where few of her friends were dancing.

She closed her eyes, swaying her hips, letting her body flow with the rhythm of music, forgetting all the worries that layed out before her. Her hair streamed behind her and fanned out like a cloak and her skirts flew up around her slender legs in a tornado of colour.

She danced around like a like a seductress in red, her moves luring in the gazes of the strangers in the room

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She danced around like a like a seductress in red, her moves luring in the gazes of the strangers in the room. All eyes watched her, some with admiration, some with lust and many more, but amid everything their was a pair of eyes that were glaring at her dancing form, furiously.

He gulped down the drink and made his way towards the dancing nymph. He stepped in close behind her, not caring about the audience, they had.

His large hands slid down her bare arms and settled on her hips, drawing her against his body. He pushed the hair from her neck and his lips sizzled a hot trail in its wake, as their bodies moved through the rhythm of the music.

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