reunited with harry

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I'm starting to think that killing Harry Styles was a bad idea. Michelle and obama's relationship give me the heebee jee bees, and now i cant listen to harry's music bc the scream of his voice reminds me of my secret murder. But I'm so good at hiding my emotions because I'm quirky and different from others.

As I walk my 4'11 self around the massive hallway of the white house thinking about my feelings, I bump into a massive wall of abs.

Y/n: oh sorry-

I look up to see a smiling, handsome, amazing... It was daddy obama. Obviously.

Obama: omg hi Y/n...

Y/n: h-h-hh-h-h-h-h-h-hh-h-hello mr daddy obama sir...

I can't talk to him straight now that I've sucked his cock. He was so hot last night i can't.

Obama: y/n I need to tell you something... I don't think Michelle is the right one for me.

I can't help but feel happy and I almost cry in happiness. But I contain my feelings because I'm not like other girls.

Y/n: omg why not?

Obama: she cheated on me with Harry styles. And i dont think its a one time thing bc i saw harry's clothes in the wash and also he's kinda hot so

I gulped, knowing that I was the one that put the clothes in the washing machine to wash off the blood, water, and dirt. Little did Obama know that the man that Michelle was sleeping with was buried in backyard number 1 of the white house.

y/n: omg thats so sad

I say nonchalantly. I don't think Obama noticed tho.

Obama: ikr... but idk how to tell her.

y/n: oh. Well daddy obama i know you can figure it out somehow. If you need help lmk baby.

I called him baby by accident, and I saw Obama's cheeks flush red. That made me want to have sex w him all over again.

Obama: o-o-oo-oh. Okay.

I went to sleep that night thinking about obama. His cute little haircut, his shining caca brown orbs, and his musty toothpaste odor. Everything about him was so hot. I don't know what to do without him. But his wife, on the other hand, was the crustiest, dustiest person I've ever seen. She had cold eyes and a cold heart.

I wake up the next morning and go to Michelle's room to clean. I knock on the door.

Michelle: C-c-c-come in!!

I walk into the room and it's strangely... cold. It's almost like I can hear Harry Styles singing too...

Y/n: Michelle, were you listening to harry styles in here?

Michelle: What!?!?!?!!?!? O-of course not, I hate that guy. Anyways i'm going to saturday brunch with my family, good luck cleaning this big house

She says coldly, glaring at me. I scrub the floor and make the bed, as always. I go to the closet door, getting deja vu. When I grab the doorknob, I hear a crash from inside the closet, making me jump. I slowly opened the door, thinking it was just a cat or something idk. LOL!

Y/n: AAAAAH!!!

There was... Harry! Harry sty-styles!! The one I killed! He looked more white that usual though, which isn't saying much but-

Harry's Ghost: OMG Y/n!?!?!? I thought I'd never see you again. When you killed me I was kinda mad at you so I was about to haunt you but then I saw Michelle, so I gave up on that. Also... I have to tell you something.

Y/n: yeah sorry about killing you. It was an accident lolz 🤪. ALso like I think it's kinda cool that you're a ghost now. Anyways, what did you want to tell me?

Harry's ghost: after fucking Michelle again, I think... I think im gay.

Y/n: lm*ao i f*cking knew it

I say, unlike other girls who would have cried in sadness because they have a crush on Harry.

Y/n: Okay, tell me what happened. I want to know how you found out that youre gay...

Harry's Ghost: it was friday night 2011 i took a gasp of air into my non-existing lungs. Because I'm a ghost. I saw the most beautiful woman walk through the marble halls of the white house, it was Michelle. I had f*cked her once before but that was when i was alive. I wanted MORE!!!!!!!! I approached her slowly and began to sing 🎶Tastes like strawberries On a summer evenin' And it sounds just like a song I want more berries And that summer feelin' It's so wonderful and warm Breathe me in, breathe me out I don't know if I could ever go without I'm just thinking out loud I don't know if I could ever go without Watermelon sugar high Watermelon sugar high Watermelon sugar high🎶. We snuck up to her room and I seductively pushed her onto the bed. I began to mount her. I placed one arm and one leg on each side of her body. With my mouth I began to tear off her clothes. I squished her honkers as if they were a stress ball filled with slime. Theni noticed my ghost dick was not getting hard. I squeezed her left honker this time, still no erection to be found. Then I squished both honkers at the same time with full force. She moaned so loud but still my ghost cock was floppy and soft. Soo i began to think. I thought about my past. I thought about the boys in one direction. I thought about their abbs and their cocks. To be clear I had only seen their cocks once a week in our friday night oragys. Anyways back to the story. My ghost cock began to fill hardening with each thought of the boy's amazing mussels. Then I cummed all over her big bouncy breasts.

Harry's ghost: anyways thats what happened and know i dont really care if obama finds out because michelle was my gay awakening. I don't think men can see ghosts tho so it might be hard to tell obama about this Y/n...

Y/n: Oh... wait how do you know about Obama and me?

I asked, confused. I thought my crush was a hidden secret!!

Harry's ghost: oh ghosts can hear what people are thinking. Michelle was thinking that my d*ck was small, so i don't really like her anymore. Anyways catch you later Y/n, Im going to see Freddy Mercury, my fellow dead gay singer. Say 'watermelon sugar high' if you want to talk to me again. Let me know if I can help you expose michelle!

Then, Harry disappeared. I stood there silently for a second, then returned to my work, putting my beautiful blond hair down from my bun. I scoop up Michelle's neon pink high heels and put them in the shoe bin. Then, I heard footsteps behind me. I look up to see... daddy.

Obama: hello Y/n. How are-

Obama stopped in his tracks. He looked at my beautiful hair and gasped. I realized that Obama hasn't seen my hair down before. It went up to my voluminous a*s, and it shined like the sun. People would usually gape at it in amazement and fall in love with me, but with Obama it was different. He looked me directly in the eyes, and I swear I heard our heart beat match up.

Y/n: h-hi daddy.

Obama: y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-your ocean blue orbs sparkle so well with your shining gold hair. Tell me Y/n, did you always have those magnificent hair and body? I think i think i'm falling in lo-


Obama blushed bright red and ran towards the staircase. What was he trying to tell me? I was so nervous that I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. my heart was beating so fast. I plopped down on the ground and began to cry because I didn't know what I was feeling. Was this... love? I had never been loved before because of my horrendous mother. I had finally realized it.

I had fallen in love with daddy obama. 

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