-fate? it's an unpredictable one

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The doctor checked on me and assured us that I was fine and that there wouldn't be any need to keep me in anymore. How long had I been here? The doctor turned to face my uncle leaving me to look at his massive muscular back."she was lucky she didn't get any internal injuries,please get the prescription from the nurse and make eure she gets enough rest,shes been through alot she needs it" what did he mean she's been through alot?what is going on?why isn't anyone telling me anything?These questions all raced through my head as if on a marathon.

My uncle nodded and took a seat next to the bed where I was as the doctor made his way out.I sensed something bad had happend,it was intuition I guess.It took my uncle what felt like ages before he opened his mouth to unvail to me what would soon be my life's horrible fate.

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