An introduction

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Animals have been used throughout history for assistance in many of mans' experiments. Because of animal usage in science and medicine we have made many advances. We have created cures to many diseases, vaccines, pretreatment and treatable medication. Along with helping us study the way viruses and bacteria even parasites attack the body. Animals in biomedical research are a necessity.

Recently there has been a lot of publicized debate about whether or not we should be using animals for research. Many companies have started promoting cruelty free products. But what does that really mean? What does it mean for you to be against animal testing? What are animals even used for? Are they treated right? What restrictions are put into place for the protection of laboratory animals? What animals are used? These questions are common ones. In this document I am going to answer them along with others you may have on this topic, focusing primarily on biomedical research fields.

There has been a lot of misconceptions in these debates so the best way to start is of course at the beginning.

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