What is the difference between "animal rights" and "animal welfare"?

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According to Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine: An Introduction, Fourth Edition by Karen Hrapkiewicz, Lesley Colby, and Patricia Denison, "Animal rights is a philosophical belief that gives animals the same equality and protection as humans ... No matter how humane, animal use is viewed as exploitation and should be banned ... Their dogmas are not recognized as mainstream ideology and can include abstaining from medication including vaccines or medical treatments that were developed through animal research." (Page 7)

People who believe in animal rights think that animals shouldn't be used at all, and shouldn't be property. As in they don't believe in owning pets, displaying animals in zoos, eating animals or their products, and using animals for research, testing, or educational purposes.

"The term animal welfare represents a philosophical belief that it is morally acceptable for humans to use animals provided that they are treated humanely and their physical and psychological well-being is met. This creed is based on a belief that animals can contribute to human welfare." (page 7)
People who believe in animal welfare that it is fine to use animals for testing and research as well as responsible animal husbandry.

There is a HUGE difference between "animal rights" and "animal welfare". However they both have their points of view and while they both have the same goal, to reduce the use of inhumane animal treatment and dispose of unnecessary animal usage in the world. Animal rights takes a much harsher approach to the task by cutting out animals in society all together, including all the things that animals were used to test.

I do think that it's important to mention that the science that biomedical animal testing uses is only done right when the animals are in good shape. The article biomedical research and animal welfare a delicate balance talks about this thoroughly in " good science depends on careful attention to the animals well-being" And, "testing laboratory animals well and with their species typical behaviors in mind results and healthier subjects, which will lead to more reliable results and reduction of the number of subjects needed for a study."

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