surprise surprise

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- 'Why the hell am i even surprised anymore? No way in hell would they even dream about asking about my opinion on the matter, let alone be bothered to fucking loop me in their decision to have that egotistical clueless imbecile live with us for a goddamn month. You know i might as well start introducing myself to people as god's favorite chew toy or something, fucking hell.

3 hours ago

After hearing my parents finally head to work i threw myself on the living room couch and turned on 'friends'. "finally some peace and quiet in this hellhole", the biggest thing to takeaway from being born in a big family is that, if i somehow end up deciding to have those gross children creatures one is more than enough. thank u very much.
After 7 episodes later having been forced to vacate to my room seeing as my family came back earlier i decided to leave my safe space and grab some lunch. Which was probably not the best idea. As soon as i came down the stairs the bell rang and my mom being my mom, seeing me, the first thing she does was not say hello to me, but yell at me from the kitchen to open the door. fun times.

To my horrible surprise there he was, Leo f-in Duncan, my brothers best friend, as well as the worst person to exist. He was standing there looking as oblivious as ever holding a duffel bag and a small suitcase.
"What are you doing here? Simon's not here." He looks at me with a confusing look for a second and then laughs a bit,
"good one short stuff" and goes past me and inside the house dragging his stuff. While i stand there completely clueless as to what is happening right now, am i missing something? I turn to my mum as she's greeting leo.
"you can go straight to jonah's room" she says and lookes at me as if i'm supposed to know what the hell is she talking about.

"what? why the hell would he do that?" i say still confused.
"Don't be rude and help leo with his stuff up the stairs Jonahthan" she says.

"Again why would i do that? what is going on?!" I ask very frustrated now.
"I told you last night that leo is going to be staying with us for a while until his parents return from their business trip, didn't I?" she responds.

"No you didn't, i would very much remember hearing that nightmare of a sentence" a add loudly and even more upset now.
"lower your voice first of all, and secondly... uhh i guess i must have forgotten to tell you last night with Keira throwing a tantrum all day i was exhausted, it must have completely slipped my mind" She explains her face having changed from annoyed to sorrow.

Leo is now standing awkwardly passing looks staring at my mum, me and little at my step dad whose giving him some apologetic look.

"Oh great, that makes it better than, gee thanks for keeping me in the loop as fucking always. No one also never remembered to... oh i don't know ask me how i feel about this whole plan of yours? NO of course not." I exclaim extremely annoyed.

"Jonathan-" my mom starts but i cut her off "no just forget it." I said as i stormed out of the house slamming the front door and leaving all of them in the awkward aftermath of whatever just happened.


Fast forward to now

"The best thing of all is that they never even took my feelings into consideration at all, never mind them forgetting to tell me something as important as that, i'm used to that by now believe me. But to not even think about how might i feel about this and whether or not i agree to it. I mean come onnn people." I say as i'm venting to my best and well only friend Calea in the park near our house.

After i stormed outside i didn't really know where to go so i just started walking angrily towards the park, and ended up texting Calea to meet me asap, cause if i don't talk to someone about what just happened i might just lose it with how angry i got. And honestly Calea is the only person that lets me vent about my middle child drama anytime, for which i am grateful eternally.

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