the unimaginable

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After Jonathan sprinted out of the bathroom I wanted to give him some space to process whatever just happened so I just decided to go outside and do the same.

I went for a walk along the streets of the neighborhood and I could not stop thinking about what happened. The kiss. Him kissing me back. What I saw. His arms.

How was I so blind about this. How is Simon blind about it....I don't- I mean i just don't understand. I want to just get him and hold him until he's all better, and then not let go. Ever.

I come back to the house some time pretty late, finding Simon in the backyard playing basketball.

"Hey man where'd you been?? I texted you like seven times.." He says upon seeing me approach him, then shoots the ball into the hoop.

"Ah..shit i turned off my phone for a min, forgot to turn it back on..
i just thought i'd go for a walk, you know clear my head and shit" I say nonchalantly, as i'm taking the ball coming out of the net and shooting it back.

"somethings up? your parents again?" he asks stoping the game as he's holding the ball.

Simon knows about most of the shit i have to put up with when it comes to my parents. It's why we never hang out at my place, mostly at his.
Well, maybe that's not the only reason.
Getting to spend some extra time around Jonathan  was pretty good bonus.
He'd roll his eyes every time he'd see me coming inside after Simon. It was pretty hilarious, something i looked forward to, every time.

"Uh I mean yeah, sure. Just same old crap. But it's not that really, it's something different actually."
I begin to lie but then switch half way, why? I have no idea.

Simon is most probably the worst person to talk to about this. But something just came over me, he's always been there throughout all my shit.

"Yeah? well, what is it? I thought you seemed pretty worked up for like..the past week

I just assumed it's got something to do with your parents..didn't wanna push it."
He says.

"Yeah it's not that, it's actu-"

"Is it Jonathan?" he interrupts me.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Ahh come on Leo, I'm not an've been bugging the kid since i first brought you home. You keep acting like he's annoying you, but i know you secretly enjoy it. It's pretty obvious."
Simon explains.

"how did you even...-what??"

"Am i wrong?"

"No you're not wrong." I say, giving up.

"So what? You're fine with it?"
I don't get how is he so calm about all this, i at least thought he'd be surprised..but it looks like he couldn't care less. Weird

"why wouldn't i be fine? what's it to me?" He asks rhetorically, and then continues throwing the ball in the basket.

"I mean, it was weird to me at first, but once i figured out why is it that you two act like idiots when you're around each other, i was fine. It didn't bother me anymore." He explains.

"" I say suspiciously, trying to figure out where do we go from here.

"ay relax dude, we're good" He reassures me.

"yeah, okay good then..
and also you're probably the last person i will talk to bout this.."I say

"hahah great, that's what i was hoping to hear.." Simon says in return.
"Listen, just be careful with him, he's not as tough as he stupidly tries to show everyone.."

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