Finding the Sun and meeting the Moon

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Candy is the name, candy is your game, well your name was Y/N L/N. You had gotten a job at the Fazbear Entertainment Mega Pizzaplex! What was your job? Well you made and delivered the candies called Sunnydrops and Moondrops to the daycare during the start and end of naptime, you also made other candies that had the Glamrocks as its mascots. You were basically the only candy maker of the candy shop and it was located in the Mega Pizzaplex so it wasn't far to hop to! Why not just walk? Well you had special shoes that had springs underneath them, giving you more of a pep in your step, with the shoes came a matching cool work outfit! Your outfit had the Sun and Moon color palette on different sides of your whole outfit, however instead of Sun and Moon design patterns, they were replaced with the candy design of Sunnydrops and Moondrops. You even got a cute matching bunny hairband and suspenders to go with the outfit, you were a certified bunny hopper!

It was 7am and you were making a new batch of candies for the kids and the adults, you made adult candies that had a hint of alcohol in it, not by much but they seemed to love them, you had called them Glambonbons since Glamrock Bonnie never got any cool merchandise and you felt for your fellow bunny. The daycare didn't open before 8am and the nap times usually started at 12pm and 6pm and they each lasted about an hour which means you usually had plenty of time to hop around the Pizzaplex, giving children and adults a small candy to taste test.

You had finished the candy making and let the machine wrap them all up in their respective wrappers, can't confuse the candy meant for adults to be wrapped wrongly, that wouldn't be good. Everything looked in order and seemed just in time as more people filled into the Pizzaplex, your coworkers filled into the shop to open business. Technically most of your work had been done so you put as many Glamrock candies you could carry to give out yet again! The management had asked you to stop parading and giving out free candy when you had first started working here but when you did as they asked, the children were upset which got the adults to complain to upper management, where was the candy bunny!? I want to see the jumping bunny lady! My kid wants to meet that bunny that hands out candy! And that was how you accidentally added going to the daycare every beginning and end of a nap session to your workload. It made people spend more money on the candy once they had gotten a taste of your sweet tasting candy so the management let you keep doing whatever you wanted... within reason of course. You jumped around, giving candies away though you had a strict one per customer a day, if they wanted more then they had to go to the Candy shop!


You checked your Fazwatch and finally the clock hit 7pm and that's when your work hours ended! You could finally go home and sleep as much as you wanted since you had a day off! You were happy they gave you quite a few days off sprinkled around seeing as whenever you worked, you were working for 12 hours, your life was basically your job! You skipped happily towards the exit but suddenly you came to a stop, you had forgotten to swing by the daycare to deliver Mike the Glambonbon you always brought him. He should still be in the security area in the daycare, so you should quickly hop to it and give him the candy before you drive home! You jumped towards the daycare with high speeds, your jumpshoes were amazing! You had to thank Glamrock Bonnie for graciously giving you these shoes, he said he found them laying around and that they needed someone to fill them, that someone was you.

You had reached the daycare in no time and you entered the daycare with your unlimited daycare pass given to you from the management seeing as you visited this place a lot, like 4 times a day but only briefly to give the kids the goods. It seemed like all the kids had been picked up by their parental figures since it was completely devoid of any children's laughs, it was quite unusual to hear nothing in the daycare. You saw the security desk where Mike usually sat and watched the cameras but he was nowhere to be seen, you looked around but still couldn't find him anywhere nearby. Suddenly you heard sobbing from further down the daycare, it sounded slightly robotic and you decided to investigate. You had never really explored the daycare when you visited, seeing as you were working and it was made for kids so it would seem weird for you, an adult, to play in the ballpit and jungle gyms. You had come to the conclusion that the crying came from inside the jungle gym, it was the ideal crying place if you didn't want others to see. You decided to go in and try to cheer up the crying person, it could have been a kid that got lost!

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