Laughter is the Best Medicine - Trophy x Cheesy Fluff/Angst

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Request for Trophy_Be_Hot_Tho_!

TW/CW: Bullying, Censored swearing, abvs3

3rd Person POV

Exposition: Trophy has a family full of h0es, and this is a humanized high school au

Trophy walked though the winding halls, limping slightly from the injuries he got yesterday. All I need is one day without someone spreading some horrible rumor about something I did, he thought. Salt and Pepper were in the halls, and Trophy quickened his pace to get by them. But Salt stuck her leg out and tripped him, causing him to fall down right on his face. Salt and Pepper started laughing loudly, but Trophy just mustered every ounce of patience in his body to not give in. But no matter how hard he tried to keep it down, something screamed inside for him to fight back. He kept his composition and ran off.

Trophy plopped down in the seat of his first class. He got a few stares from his peers, wondering about his many injuries, but it wasn't like they hadn't seen him injured before. Cheesy came and sat next to him.

"Hey Troph! How's life?" He asked cheerfully.

"Terrible." Trophy snapped back.

"Aw, is that true? Well, maybe I can make it better!" Cheesy stood on his chair and put his hands on Trophy's cheeks. People stared.

"Stop. Now." Trophy growled. 

"Not a touch-oriented person huh? Well, during lunch we could do something."

"Maybe we could do it now." Trophy smirked, getting up.


Trophy and Cheesy walked around the small town they lived in. It was pretty, Chessy liked it, but Trophy wanted nothing more than to get away from it. Away from his family.

"My parents should be at work right now, Cheesy I'm gonna go get my phone, I left it at home. You can go back if you want." 

Trophy ran down a few blocks to his house, and retrieved his phone. But, as he started to leave his room, he was met with someone who looked absolutely P/O'd. 

"Why are you home, you little B****?" His father asked angrily.

"I- I was just getting my phone-" Trophy was shoved to the ground.

"No, it's 8, school's started by now, and you should be in class!"

"No! I promise you I'm not skipping!" Trophy's father ran for him, and Trophy managed to escape into his room. He knew this was gonna end badly.

The rest was a blur to Trophy, he remembered staying on the phone with 911 for a few minutes, but then his father managing to get into his room, armed.


2 week timeskip!!!! cos yes!!!!!

Trophy laid in the hospital bed, hiding under his covers.

"Trophy, you have a visitor." A nurse said.

"Trophy! The Funny Factory's paying you a visit!" Cheesy smiled.

"Go away Cheesy. I literally got sh0t 2 weeks ago and you're making jokes."

"To cheer you up of course! Also, they found your parents guilty! You're gonna get new parents soon!"

"That's nice, I guess." There was a small silence.

"Did you hear about the cheese factory that exploded in France?"


"There was nothing left but de Brie." Cheesy smiled. Trophy burst out laughing. 

"You're so dumb." Trophy said, grinning.

at long last hqehfiuhvblurdbfh


now, allow me to vibe to sodikken.

*bops to redmageddon*

514 words


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