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"This is Hoseok right? If it's not, then I am looking really stupid right about now," an intoxicated Yoongi stated staring in Hoseok's direction.

Hoseok tried to say something but he couldn't hide his shock even if he tried. He never expected to bump into Yoongi since it had been so long and he had never really prepared himself for such a scenario either. He couldn't even pinpoint exactly what it was he was feeling in that moment. Perhaps it was a mixture of fear and embarrassment given that the root cause of all his issues was standing right in front of him laughing at him. But he tried his best to come across somewhat calm by nodding and eventually replying "um sorry, yes it's m-me, how's it going?"

Yoongi couldn't contain his amusement any more and burst into laughter once Hoseok finally replied, "what the hell is wrong with you, you look like a deer stuck in headlights. I couldn't have scared you that much!"

Hoseok could tell he had been drinking quite a bit so didn't want to rise him. He needed to try and get through the conversation quickly. He turned to face him directly and took a deep breath before continuing.

"No sorry I'm fine, I was just not expecting someone to bump into me that's all," he said while trying to fake a smile. Immediately, Yoongi looked him up and down before pausing to try think of something to say. His ability to think coherently was rather limited and all he could fixate on was Hoseok's appearance.

"Were you always so skeletal? Sorry but you were totally different last time I saw you. You were strong and now you're so.. not strong I suppose? Are you sick or something?" he blurted out frowning in confusion.

Hoseok nearly choked on his drink as he heard his question. He really didn't know what to say and started trying to defend himself, "No no, I'm not sick.. I don't think you're remembering me that well, I haven't really changed."

"That is a total lie, you did not look like.. that.." he paused eying Hoseok up once again before continuing to ramble, "you were definitely not like that when we last met, which was what two years ago or whatever?"

"People change Yoongi, no reason to be concerned. Anyway, how have things been? You're doing music now right? I-I heard about your new releases and stuff on the radio," he tried to explain, cringing at the lame story he came up with. He didn't want him to know that he had kept tabs on him ever since he signed with a company.

"I didn't say I was concerned, I was just wondering.. but if you say so. Yep things are going amazing right now for me, thank fuck because I waited long enough. Had one of my songs not blown up, I don't know where I would be. Probably still dancing in that pathetic academy. Are you still there?" he said sarcastically.

Hoseok shook his head, feeling even more upset than he did five minutes earlier. Yoongi used to come across as rude when they were each other's company but now he was just being cruel, even if it was unintentional.

"No I don't have anything to do with any of that stuff anymore, kind of just laying low I guess. Anyway, it was nice to see you but I am actually waiting for my friend so I'll be going soon," he said pointing over at Taehyung who was walking towards them both.

Again, Yoongi burst out laughing looking back and forth at Hoseok and Taehhyung, "you're telling me you're friends with a bus boy now? You're definitely not the same person I remember. I am actually dead!"

Taehyung stood at the other side of the counter looking visibly uncomfortable, he had heard the comment the unfamiliar guy he had been serving all night had made to Hoseok, and he looked at Hoseok in confusion but tried to remain professional.

"Is everything okay here, can I get you anything?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"Yes I want to pay for my party now, we're done so if you could hurry up and get the bill that would be great," Yoongi sneered at Taehyung. His whole expression had changed as soon as Hoseok had said that he knew Taehyung. It seemed like he was annoyed but Hoseok had no idea why. As Taehyung nodded and immediately went to get the bill, Hoseok sat in silence. He could tell Taehyung had overheard their conversation and he felt horrible for not saying anything to defend him but he couldn't muster up the courage to stand up to a highly intoxicated Yoongi. He knew he would have to explain later, that's if Taehyung even wanted to meet up now.

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