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Taehyung was finally able to head back home after spending his entire day working on his journals at the restaurant. He needed to try and get them completed or else he would only fall behind, and with the end of his placement approaching, he wanted to give Dr Seung to review them before submitting. He was exhausted but happy to be practically finished them. He still wasn't sure how he managed to actually write something substantial since Dr Seung had given him minimal training but he hoped it would be enough to get the required honour for his scholarship.

As he tried to find space to stand on the crowded subway, he checked his phone quickly to see if Hoseok had replied to him. Earlier on, he was surprised when he read Hoseok's message about not being sent to the programme but he didn't ask too many questions as he would prefer to talk to him in person to try and understand how he really felt. He wanted to meet him earlier but he had to get his work done so he had suggested he come to his place later on if he didn't want to just be there with Jungkook but he hadn't heard back so he assumed that meant he would come over later.

Taehyung leaned against the door of the subway and rested his eyes for a couple of minutes before shuffling to the side when it reached the next stop. He was feeling pretty exhausted and was definitely coming down from the caffeine boosts his co-worker had been putting on his table all day. Even if he didn't enjoy working in hospitality, he was grateful that his job let him do work there on his days, especially since he had missed a couple of shifts lately. They were a good company who understood the pressures that came with being a scholarship recipient at his university. He would make it up by taking on more shifts in the summer anyway since he didn't want to go back to his family home in Daegu. He felt more at home in Seoul than he ever did in Daegu and he had promised Jungkook before that he would stay to pay the other half of the rent.

Once he arrived at his stop, he quickly made his way towards the ATM in the station. He forgot he needed to pay his rent to Jungkook this week and he could finally afford it since he was paid. He keyed in his pin quickly and sighed when he saw his balance. His rent was going to wipe half of his wage already and he wished he had even a few extra shifts but he would make it work, he always did. After taking out the money, he stuffed it in his wallet and then headed back to their apartment block. When he was outside his door, he heard muffled talking and laughing coming from inside and wondered if Hoseok had come over early, he didn't think he would but when he opened the door, he heard his voice and was surprised. He was laughing with Jungkook about something and neither of the two had heard him come in. He quickly set his shoes aside, slipped on his flip flops and went inside.

"Oh hey Taehyung, you finally came home. Hoseok and I thought we would have to send out a search party for you, have you been in the restaurant since this morning?" Jungkook said turning to the other who was setting his bag down beside his bedroom door. Hoseok also turned to greet him and flashed a small smile. Taehyung was surprised to see Hoseok looking relaxed and even happy given the appointment he had earlier, it seemed strange but he didn't want to make him feel awkward.

"Yeah I was, it was the longest day but I am basically finished so I can relax a bit now for the weekend since I'm not working until Monday. What are you guys doing?" he asked as he sank into the couch beside them.

"We were just watching some old videos from when Hoseok and I took the same dance classes, I had them saved on my phone. You probably remember me being such an idiot then but looking back on it now, it's hilarious. I was saying to Hoseok he should come along to a practice soon, get him back into it because he was seriously one of the best dancers I've ever seen," Jungkook said enthusiastically as he scrolled through his phone which was connected to the TV.

Taehyung smiled at Hoseok before replying "It's definitely a good idea to get back into something you used to like, I'm sure the people you danced with would love to see you again."

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