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Hours after Taehyung's encounter with Hoseok, he finally wandered home to the place he expected to be deserted. Lately Jungkook had been spending too much time, according to Taehyung, with his girlfriend and he often felt bored at home. Sure, he could invite over some friends but the idea just didn't appeal to him right now. Besides, it was nearing midnight by the time he jingled his keys in the lock and eventually pushed his way inside.

Taehyung made his way to his room like always, flicked on the light and proceeded to change out of his clothes and into something comfier. He felt exhausted yet not exhausted enough to sleep. Hoseok had been on his mind since they went their separate ways. He wondered if he had gotten home safely and if he had eaten. He also wondered why he volunteered to help Hoseok, he wasn't sure if he could even do that.

As Taehyung was mindlessly fixing his clothes away, Jungkook emerged from his bedroom with a look of pure tiredness. "Taehyung? Why are you making so much noise?"

Taehyung quickly snapped out of his trance when he heard his friend grumbling at him. "Sorry Jungkook, I wasn't expecting you to be here," Taehyung said with an apologetic smile.

"No worries! I'm awake now so we may as well watch some Netflix or something," suggested Jungkook.

They hadn't hung out like this in quite a while. Taehyung was always either busy with work or college and Jungkook was just preoccupied with his girlfriend so hewas hesitant to agree. He still felt awkward around Jungkook since they agreed, or rather he forced his friend, to not do anything intimate with one another anymore. But he decided to shift those thoughts to the back of his mind for a few hours and try and enjoy the free time that he had with his favourite person now instead.

Jungkook and the older made their way out to the cramped living room and threw themselves down on the couch. Taehyung looked at the tiny space between them and shifted further away, just to be safe. As he did this, Jungkook looked at him and sighed. "Hyung, I don't have AIDS, why are you so far away from me?"

"It's not good for us to be too close, you've got a girlfriend after all."

Once Jungkook heard this, he couldn't help but laugh in Taehyung's face. Since they stopped doing stuff, Taehyung had become such a prude. It started out with him not wanting to brush his teeth if Jungkook was showering but now he thinks it's gotten too much. So Jungkook decides to take matters into his own hands and make Taehyung comfortable around him again.

In reality, Jungkook had been craving Taehyung's touch since the photo they took for his assignment.

"You've made things so difficult between us since we stopped being together Taehyung. You said we could be friends but you just act like you don't want to be friends either. I miss you a lot you know!"

"I do want to be your friend, but we can't be as close as we were before. What would your girlfriend think?" Taehyung said as he turned to face Jungkook. He knew that his friend was right, he had been so unreasonable for the last few months but he couldn't help it.

"She knows we are friends Taehyung.. it's not a big deal to cuddle with me, we used to before we started doing stuff anyway."

Taehyung was tired of arguing with Jungkook on and off since they 'broke up' and so he decided to let Jungkook know the effect he had on him once and for all.

"Jungkook, are you seriously this clueless? I really really liked you when we were together. Did you ever think to ask why I called everything off? It was because I was developing feelings that were too serious and I knew you didn't like me that way! It was so hard to muster up the courage to say enough was enough and it hurt when you moved on so quickly." Taehyung explained glaring at Jungkook.

Once Jungkook heard this, he felt extremely guilty. He had never meant to hurt Taehyung's feelings. He never thought he loved him as much as Taehyung loved him. He liked the idea of having Taehyung all to himself at home but he wasn't sure of anything else.

"Well shit. I'm really sorry Tae. I didn't know.. you should have told me you felt like that! I wouldn't have dated someone so quickly!" Taehyung scoffed at this but decided to let it go. There was no point in arguing anymore about it. He finally said what had been bothering him for months.

"How about this Jungkook, we forget about what we had or didn't have and just start acting like normal friends. I really miss you too. Just don't bring your girlfriend over all the time!" Taehyung said as scooted back over to the younger and snuggled into his arm.

Jungkook could deal with that and he was happy that Taehyung voluntarily moved closer to him. "It's a deal, hyung. You'll find someone soon, don't worry," he said while smiling at his friend.

"Shut up, do you know how hard it is to find a guy? Now let's watch something before I fall asleep!"

The pair decided on watching a Japanese reality show. Taehyung was enjoying his snuggle session with Jungkook, even if he was after moving on, he would never say no to this. They were only half an episode in when he heard Jungkook softly snoring beside him. He didn't want to wake him by moving so he decided to grab the blanket beside him and drape it around the both of them. Taehyung took in Jungkook's features before patting around for his phone to check the time.

Once he finally found it, he was surprised to see three messages from an unknown number. "That's odd, it's so late," he muttered to himself before clicking into them.

Unknown ### @00:34 :
hey.. it's hoseok, sorry to bother u so late, i don't really know why I am messaging u right now but I wanna thank u, im just really scared about what's going to happen after my assessment...

Actually ignore that last part, I don't want to bother u with my stupid issues so thank u for just being there today.. but it's probably best if we just leave it here. You've got your own life to deal with once ur finished at the office.. don't worry about me.

Unknown ### @01:05 :
And you don't have to reply to me.. i know u probably have better things to do at tjis hour. Thank u again.. bye

Taehyung reread the messages over and over again. How could he not have heard them coming in? He felt awful for ignoring Hoseok, what if he thought he didn't care about him? Taehyung looked over at Jungkook who was still sleeping and decided to retreat back to his room where he would call Hoseok.

It was nearing two but he didn't care. He wanted to make sure Hoseok was alright. He dialled his number and waited impatiently for him to pick up. A couple of rings later and there was no answer. Taehyung tried again, this time with a funny feeling in his stomach. Eventually a faint hello could be heard through the speaker and he sighed in relief.

"I'm sorry for calling so late Hoseok but I want to know if you are okay after sending me those messages?"

"I told you not to worry about me," Hoseok whispered.

Taehyung realised Hoseok didn't sound okay, "Are you feeling okay Hoseok?"

"I'm just a little bit tired and weak.. go to bed Taehyung, don't waste your time on someone like me."

"Hoseok please! I want to help you.. D-did you eat yet?"

The line was silent before it eventually went dead. Taehyung didn't know what to do. He didn't know if Hoseok was okay and he had no way of finding out. He eventually went to bed after deciding to go to the office and look for his address later that day. It may get him into trouble but he'd rather see Hoseok than get a good reference from his senior.

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