Chapter 1

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The only memories which I have of my time in this world.....

"Did you hear?" A man said. The woman nodded. "The ghost came again last night." She said.

Was the fact that I died...

"Was is it that horrible guy that moved in recently?" The woman asked as she hold her hands close to her chest.
"Yeah, him." The guy nodded as he crossed his arms. "Yesterday this girl, accidentally bumped in to him since she couldn't see, but he still blew up at her..." The man frowned.

"How horrible! No wonder he saw ghost." The woman said.

The people kept talking, unaware of a shadow looming in the night, a girl, who's shadow is formed as an owl, walking to casually in the night. The girl looked at her hand, and then at the sky.

Within 72 hours of my birth, I don't know why I am here, nor do I understand why I'm able to grow like a live person.

The girl turned towards the window as she saw a girl who looks younger than her, sitting while hugging her teddy bear as she has a needle in the back of her hand.

I wandered alone for ten years....

The girl perked up. "You're here!" The girl smiled at her as she hugged her teddy bear close to her. The girl was entering through the window, she looked like a normal girl, except for her right arm, it was taking form of a owl wing. The shadow in front of her, a jet black owl with yellow eyes. The young girl smiled at her as she could sense her sitting in the windowsill.

Until I met her.

One month ago...

Inside a store, a girl with jet black hair whose wearing an old white shirt with white shorts, was happily opening a candy, ready to taste it. Unaware of a girl looking towards her direction.

As the jet black hair girl was about to eat her candy happily she felt a pull on her shirt. She got frightened and let go of her candy. She turned to face the girl who was still holding her shirt.

"You have to pay first." The girl said as she kept looking straight ahead. The jet black hair girl stared at her wide eyed.

'Oh my god...' She thought as she kept looking at the girl. 'She can see me?' She wondered as she kept looking at her.

But then she saw the girl still looking ahead of her and waved her hand in front of her face and saw no reaction from her.

She tilted her head. "...She can't." She whispered. "Why is she so nosy if she's blind?" She said as she quickly moved making the girl let go of her shirt.

The jet black hair girl turned and opened another candy and flew up as she ate her candy.

'I've been wandering around for years now.' She thought. 'Never once have I paid for anything.' She said as she went out the store, from the window.

The girl made a sad face and put her hand towards her chest and sighs.

'That's the first time someone would dare talk to me...' the jet black hair girl thought, once she she flew out the window she turned into an owl, the same color as her hair.

The owl flew towards a tree thinking. 'That was scary...' as she didn't look back.

It was now dark outside as the owl was perched on a branch looking around.

"Is your heart hurting?" A voice said, making the owl perk up at the voice and looked down to see a woman walking with the girl that startled her earlier. The woman had on a white button up shirt with a grey skirt, she was holding the girls hand and the other had a grocery bag. The girl looked like she was wearing a hospital clothes.

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