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(The picture above has nothing to do with the story 😭 thought I'd just put the cover picture ksbsksb)

“What? Why don't you stand up for yourself!“

“What are you, mute!?“

Roger hears these words from afar as he walked down the hallway, instantly catching his attention. He tried to ignore it, but something in him couldn't stand the fact that people let bullies get away with everything around here.

He turns the corner and there they were, Jesse, Nate, and Stan; three of the school's biggest losers, mocking and laughing at another kid, just like they did every day. He glanced at the kid who was leaning against the lockers, flinching every time they yelled. He was a tad scrawny and had brown hair that almost reached his shoulders.

People walked past the scene as if it was part of the ordinary. It was clear some people felt bad; it's written in their eyes as they tried looking away and quickened their pace, but none wanted to or could do anything. If anyone stood up to the three, there's a high chance they'd get beaten up right then and there.

Roger released a sigh, walking along yet another hallway, this time trying to ignore what was happening right in front of him. He hated this, but he didn't have the energy to do anything. He tried to reassure himself by thinking they'd be moving to another victim anyway, and that's that. Everyone gets bullied someday, it's just a part of life. Roger was almost past them, but when he saw one of them raise a fist at the corner of his eye, it was like his body had a mind of its own as he called out to them.

“Hey!“ He yelled, catching everyone's attention. The three boys turned to look at him with expressions mixed with annoyance, anger, and amusement. Roger took a glance at the kid who was about to get punched. He didn't say anything but his eyes were enough to read that he was thanking him, but at the same time worried about what he was doing.

Without a second more hesitation, he balled his fists and aimed right towards Nate's face, hitting his nose as he yelped in pain, falling backward. Roger felt a rush of adrenaline as he began to run away, hearing the other two yell and chase after him. He bumped into other kids as he ran, pushing them aside causing some to fall over. He didn't care at the moment if he was hurting anybody, his main goal was not to be in an episode of true crime.

He ran outside the school with no sign of stopping as he ran down the street, his pace slowing down as a smile crept its way into his mouth. Jesse and Stan already stopped chasing him once he was out of school property, he kept running nonetheless. His heart was beating so fast it felt like it was about to pop out of his chest. He came to a stop as he put both his hands on his knees, panting heavily, sweat running down his forehead. He lets out a laugh, as he thought about everything. He fell to the cement lying down as he pumped his fists towards the sky; he felt more alive than he has been in a long time. He must admit. It felt really good to finally stand up to those idiots.

Roger sprawled his arms out and released a satisfied sigh. People around were looking at him weirdly and scoffing as they walked around him. It probably won't be too long till somebody called the cops on him, but right now, he wasn't planning on moving a muscle.


It's 7 pm, and Roger is in his bed, lying on his stomach as he scribbled away in his notebook, eating the candy he had stashed away somewhere deep beneath his bed. He got grounded for a week after his mom found out what happened. She was understanding of the part where Roger was trying to defend someone, but not so much when she found out he did it by punching someone, and how she got called over to pick up her son who was lying on the sidewalk of a busy street.

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