Come Back.

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A/N: Hi! I'm still alive! Been a while since my last post! Thanks for tuning in! This one's a bit angst, so putting that out there! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day <33

"hey. . . What's wrong?"

Simon turns towards the source of the sound, and he's met with a boy who had a concerned look on his face. The light of the sun shone behind him, as if he was an angel of some sort, coming to rescue him. Simon wipes his eyes with his balled fist, looking down, not saying anything.

The boy sits next to Simon and looks at him.

The sound of the rushing river in front of them fills the silence, as his sobs can be heard from time to time. Once he feels like he's ready, Simon finally takes a deep breath before speaking. "M-my friends. . . They left me." He says, his voice trembling. The boy gives Simon a sad smile before putting his hand on his back as he tries to comfort him.

"Those don't sound like friends to me." He says, and Simon finally turns to him, eyes filled with tears and of slight confusion. "I'm Roger. I'll be your new friend from now on." Roger says with a small smile before holding out his hand as Simon hesitantly shakes it.


Years pass, and the boys did everything together. They were basically inseparable. Simon was always there for Roger, and Roger did the same for Simon. Roger would never allow for Simon to be hurt again after what he witnessed on the creek that day. He promised Simon he'll always be with him, and that he'll always protect him. . . That nothing was ever going to separate them.

For a while that was true. They had the time of their lives as they went on adventures in the creek, singing songs and building forts; playing as if there was no problem in the world they couldn't fix. They were a pair and one couldn't function without the other.

So what'll happen if we separate them?


"Roger. I have bad news." Simon says one day as he stood on Roger's doorstep, his head down as he fiddled with his fingers. He was trying so hard not to cry or show any emotion that would concern Roger, but the boy could sense something was wrong and decides for Simon to finish his words.

"W-we're. . . Moving." The boy says, unable to hold back his tears as they dropped down onto the pavement below.

Roger stood on the doorway frozen, not saying anything. It's like he couldn't speak. He stared emotionless as Simon cries in front of him. He feels dizzy, and feels like collapsing then and there. What now? What'll his world be without Simon? They've spent so long together, he can't even imagine what'd be like if the blonde wasn't there beside him.

"I'm sorry! Please don't get m-mad." Simon chokes out, but then suddenly gets pulled into a hug. This catches him of guard, before tears start flowing from his eyes once more.

"You could never make me mad. I'd never ever hate you Sym." Roger says, his eyes tightly shut as he clutched onto Simon tighter, as if he'd lose him if he let go. It's just baffling to him that that was indeed the case. He didn't want to let go.

"I—" Roger says before pausing. He knew what he wanted to say. 'I love you." But he just couldn't make out the words.

That was the biggest regret of his life.


Simon moves and Roger now sits alone in his room most of the time. Watching the time pass by as he sat thinking about the blonde. There wasn't a second when he wasn't thinking about him. He's just in his mind constantly. He missed Simons laugh. Simon's smile. The way Simon would get 'mad' at Roger when he did something stupid and dangerous. The way Simon would get frustrated and defend himself every time Roger teased him about something. He always found it adorable.

Roger smiles to himself, but that smile soon turns into a frown as tears started to drip from his eyes. Maybe, just maybe, they'll see each other again. Roger keeps hoping that. He hopes that—

A knock on their front door interrupts his thoughts. He walks out of his room, wincing at the bright light before walking down the stairs and seeing his mom on the front door, talking to a bunch of police officers.

Roger will never forget this night. The way his mom looked at him. Sadness and concern filled in her eyes as Roger stood confused. The red and blue lights emanating from the emergency lights of their police cars. The news he got from them.

"Simon's gone."

Simon's gone.

The words echoed in his head. He was crushed as his knees gave in and he fell to the floor, drowned in tears and sobs. His heart stopped and broke into a million pieces. 'maybe I'll see him again someday my ass.' he thought. He was stupid for even thinking that.

He wanted to die. He wished this was just some terrible joke Simon put up, just like he always did. But it felt so real.

Why would Simon leave him? Just. Why?

Roger slams the door to his bedroom as he balled his fists so tightly his knuckles turned white. Tears flowed with no sign of stopping, and thoughts ran through his mind as he turns to the wall and punches it in anger.

"I should have been there. . . I should have BEEN THERE!" Roger yells in pain, anger and frustration. "I said I'd be there for him. I said I'd protect him. I said—" Roger stands against the wall before sliding down, pulling his knees up to his chest, crying uncontrollably.

"I miss you so much Si. So much."

Roger opens his hand and looks at the piece of paper held between his palm. It was done in a rush, and looked a bit wonky, but it was still neatly folded. That's so Simon.

The officer said Simon made this note before he took himself, and wanted Roger to have it.

He unfolds it slowly and shakily as he struggles to keep his hands steady.

He finishes reading, and buries his head in his knees. "Come back Si. Please. Don't leave me."


'Dear, Roger.

I hope you're alright. I miss you so much, and I wish you were still by my side. I've been struggling so much lately, and I don't know what to do. Sometimes I wonder if I could just run away and come to you, and fall into your arms and forget about all my problems.

Why does it have to be like this? Why do we have to be so far apart. I hate my life without you, and I can't stand it. Everybody hates me, and constantly reminds me. Sometimes I even feel like life itself hates me.

I just don't wanna be here anymore."

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