Mindspeak - Chapter 15

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"You still haven't told me where we're going."

Jack glanced sideways. "You're pathetic. You have zero patience."

I squinted, studying his profile. He was getting great joy out of keeping me in the dark about his agenda.

It was a warm, fall evening. The sun sat low in the sky when Jack pulled into a small parking lot on University of Kentucky's campus. He rolled down the windows and a pleasant breeze blew the scent of seafood through the car.

"Sit tight," Jack said as he turned the key and shut the car off.

"Where are you going?"

"Patience. Sheesh."

I leaned my head back against the headrest. Sunglasses shaded my eyes and hopefully hid the fact that I rolled them way back in my head at his order for patience. "Fine."

He got out and closed the door, eyeing me one last time before he pushed off and jogged toward the building and around the corner.

A group of college kids passed by. They argued about being late for dinner and therefore late for the band they wanted to hear after. One of the boys slid an arm around a girl's shoulder. "You know we're late because you insisted on changing a fourth time."

The girl laughed and shrugged. "Couldn't be helped."

A straggler ran to catch up to the group.

I heard it before I saw it. The screeching of tires. People yelling. "Jerk. Watch it. You almost killed us."

I looked over my shoulder. A black Suburban with tinted windows slammed to a halt in the middle of the parking lot to allow the group to cross. Behind the wheel, a man shook his head and raised a fist.

Fortunately, no blood was spilled.

Jack was gone five minutes, and when he returned, he carried a large white bag, which he set in the back seat.

He started up the car, and we drove off again. The wind blew wildly through my long hair, and the sun shone through my window. The heat against my cheeks was therapeutic.

I gave up asking where we were going, but it wasn't long before Jack slowed again and pulled into another parking lot. The University of Kentucky Arboretum.

A black Suburban slowed as we turned, but continued past and turned at the next intersection. I started to tell Jack, but his touch to my arm distracted me.

"Let me just say this." He rubbed his thumb along the skin of my arm. "I know you're having a tough time trusting me, or anyone for that matter. Can tonight just be about having a little fun away from school? You know... normal."

Normal fun, huh? His look was intense, but warm. Inviting. Someone I wished I could be close friends with. I glanced down the road again. No Suburban.

It was America. It wasn't like big black trucks were unusual.

I met his eyes again. It would be nice to have a typical date like any normal teenager. "I'll try?"

"That's all I can ask."

Once out of the car, Jack grabbed my hand and led me across the street and through the entrance of the UK Arboretum. With an easy wave over his head to a woman at the information desk, he pulled me right past the visitor center. Employees of the arboretum sprayed water hoses on various plants as we passed. A lady said hello to Jack by name. He smiled easily at her, waving.

I lifted a brow. "Come here often?" I asked.

He stopped and turned to me. "Close your eyes."

"What? Why?"

MINDSPEAK - (The Mindspeak Series, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now