Part 6

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"I can't get the snack out of the vending machine," Ranpo said, sighing.

"Why? What's wrong with it?" Poe asked him, glancing at it.

"I don't know, that's why I announced it!"

"I thought you announcing things was your trope." Poe looked at him.

"NO, THAT'S YOU!" Ranpo crossed his arms.

"Touché." Poe looked back at the vending machine after that. 

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS THING?" Ranpo yelled. "Well yelling at it isn't going to help," Poe sighed. "thEN HOW ABOUT YOU HELP ME?" Ranpo glared.

"You can't work a train, a vending machine..." Poe went on and on.

"What is this? Slander Ranpo Day?"

"Sorry," Poe stopped and just looked at the vending machine. "...Do I kick it?" Poe asked.

"Speak louder, Poe!" Ranpo said.

Poe kicked the vending machine and nothing happened, then it became awkward. "Uh," Poe stared at it. "Why don't you just get Francis to buy it?" He continued.




"STOP BEING MEAN TO MEEEE" Ranpo flicked his forehead.

"You're causing a scene, Ranpo!" Poe looked around. "We have snacks at home, and it's easier to acquire them rather than through a vending machine! Come on! Let go of the vending machine, Ranpo!" Poe basically dragged him away from it.




Ranpo was eating pocky and other snacks on the couch while Poe was as usual sitting at his desk. "Ranpo, aren't you glad I got you away from that God-awful vending machine? Other people were complaining about it, too." Poe looked at him. "It would have been all hell broke loose, so yes, Poe. Thanks!" Ranpo replied in a cheery voice. 

Poe sighed. "Why are you watching True Crime documentaries? You literally solve true crime." 

"Because it's funny when people make such an effort in solving it, when it doesn't take that long to figure out, usually!" Ranpo huffed. "Why are YOU writing something?" Ranpo snapped at him.

"Because I'm a writer."

"Okay then!" Ranpo continued eating and watching documentaries. 

"What are you writing?" Ranpo was suddenly beside Poe

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"What are you writing?" Ranpo was suddenly beside Poe. 

"Nothing important, really, I'm just bored. But I'd hate to lose it, just like any other work." Poe looked at him.

"Inntresstingggg," Ranpo said teasingly, grabbing it and skipping away.


"RANPO PLEASE- I can hear your suppressed laughs!" He knocked on the door of another room.

"I was only reading it, silly!" Ranpo opened the door, giving it to him. "You did great, you should continue." Ranpo smiled at him as Poe eagerly took the draft back from him. "Thank you, but you know I don't like when you do these things!" Poe sighed.

Ranpo went back to laying on the couch, his legs and feet dangling off of the side, eating candy. "How do you eat so much, Ranpo?..." Poe was slightly concerned. "I don't knoww, I'm just a food person." Ranpo scoffed.

"I'm so booooreeeddd!" Ranpo whined, kicking his legs. "And how am I supposed to help with that?" Poe looked up from his draft. "You're not," Ranpo paused. "- I'm just boredddd."

"Then why are you complaining? Just continue watching documentaries." Poe rubbed his temples. "Because people in it are dumb! They never notice the most obvious things until way later on! Is that why documentaries are so long?" Ranpo rolled his eyes. "Yes, most likely. But how would I know?" Poe replied, getting up to make coffee.

"Would you like any coffee?"

"Yeah, sure, I don't care." Ranpo slouched.

"Okay," Poe walked away from him into the kitchen.


Ranpo and Poe were asleep on the couch while Karl was sitting on Poe's shoulder. Ranpo fell asleep cuddling Poe, and they both slept the rest of the day away.

 Ranpo fell asleep cuddling Poe, and they both slept the rest of the day away

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