Last call

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(This story occur the future where everyone is alive, safe, and peaceful)

Baji and Kazutora owned a pet shop, while Chifuyu is a pilot


Baji noticed lately that Chifuyu rarely comes home. Kazutora sometimes stayed at shop to look for the animals there. And he can also say to himself that his busy with legal paperworks for exporting and importing

He layed down on their bed looking at the empty celling. He sure Missed his boyfriends attention...

Not for so long his phone rang

he picked up his phone to see his boyfriend, Chifuyu calling him

"CHIFUYUUU~~!" Baji shout from the phone

"quiet down, Baji" there is a hint of stress and tiredness in his voice, Baji knew it

"I got an vacation break, do you want to go somewhere?"

"Oh... you could just use your vacation break to rest" Baji is worried that Chifuyu might overworked himself again

"I have 2 weeks vacation, it would be fun if we really go in vacation... right?"

"Are you sure? you might overworked yourself?"

"totally! It's 2 weeks anyways... I can rest for first day, and we can enjoy one week vacation" Baji heard a hint of excitement at Chifuyu's voice

"Whatever makes you happy"

"Can I talk to Tora?" Chifuyu asked Baji

"sadly he stayed in the pet shop" Baji frown to his self

"aw... It's the second day of this week"

"I know, but lately theres a case of robbery here"

"No! because its the second day of this week and its only Tuesday" Chifuyu scoffed

Suddenly Baji imagine how Chifuyu looks like when his pissed. It makes him chuckle

"He said he'll be fine" he heard Chifuyu sigh in another line

"Dont you feel lonely?" Chifuyu was worried that Baji might felt lonely, since Baji is a type of person who needs someones attention or he will felt left out

"Dont worry about me"

"I'll be home tomorrow morning, can you two pick me up?"

"It's a pleasure, baby kitten~" Baji said with a teasing voice

in other hand, Chifuyu is currently blushing. It made him miss his boyfriends more

"yeah yeah... I'll call you when we already landed, alright?"

"Hmn... I love you"

"I love you too"


Kazutora is lying in the couch, cats, dogs, and hamsters laying beside and above him

(when you visit a pet store theres a couch you could sit in, waiting for your pet or playing with animals... The couch at their pet store is huge, it can be a single bed)

"UGHHHHHHHHH~" kazutora groan...

Lately his having a doubts and thoughts, that makes him anxious...

He moved the cat and hamster on his chest, he sat up and look at the window...

The crescent moon looked peaceful It's shinning beside the stars.
And like the unseen clouds at night that made stars and moon shine, Baji also doesn't see how his distancing himself...

Last Disaster||BajiFuyuToraWhere stories live. Discover now